Moms Are Normalizing Messy Homes on TikTok

Mothers on social media are trying to normalize having imperfect homes and lifestyles.

In a viral TikTok video, Katie Ziemer, a 29-year-old substitute teacher and mother of three, spoke candidly about the pressure to be perfect as a mother and said she often compares herself to the dolled-up moms she sees on social media.

“I used to think I couldn't be a content creator because I don't live in a nice house… I mean, look at me.” In the video, Zermer kept it low-key in black sweatpants while he cut fruit for his children in his slightly messy kitchen.

“My husband and I are normal people who make enough money to survive each month,” she added. “I can't afford to do daily or weekly shopping here or have the luxury of having the wardrobe of my dreams or decorating it the way I would like.”

Ziemer's authenticity resonated with viewers as she spoke candidly that her limited circumstances didn't mean she couldn't be a content creator.

“I probably get messages every day from people just thanking me for my content, which I find very strange,” Ziemer said. He Wall Street Journal. “They'll just say, 'I see a lot of these moms who live a lavish lifestyle and have all these nice things.' I can't relate to it, but you make me feel better about my life.'”

Her first viral video brought her 100,000 new followers, as well as interest from influencer management companies, which led her to secure a manager who could book her brand deals with the companies. But no matter how many followers or brand deals she gets, Ziemer maintains that she is committed to living a “humble” life.

She noted, “I'm always going to be a mess, whether I one day have matching pajamas or still wear my husband's boxers and a big t-shirt in my videos.”

Non-aesthetic or down-to-earth “momfluencers” like Ziemer are gaining traction on TikTok, resonating with viewers through their unfiltered, unadorned videos that depict an authentic, messier version of motherhood not often found on the platform. .

They are evidence of a growing backlash against the pristine mothers who dominate social media, including Ballerina Farm's Hannah Neeleman, with her aspirational content full of spotless countertops and perfect children.

Instead, these new “momfluencers” sport mismatched pajamas and cook for their children in outdated kitchens, showing viewers a more accessible view of parenthood and housework compared to their wealthier counterparts. Their content is also often more relatable and advocates for a more affordable lifestyle.

Through videos that guide viewers through a weekly shopping trip to Walmart, or how to prepare family meals for under $15, this wave of “mom influences” aims to show how to live within your means.

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