Miss Teen USA 2023 runner-up rejects title after winner resigns

Miss Teen USA 2023 runner-up Stephanie Skinner has turned down the winning title, days after initial winner UmaSofia Srivastava resigned.

Skinner, who was crowned Miss New York Teen USA in 2023, shared a post on Instagram on May 12 to talk about her career and show her support for Srivastava. As she came second to win Miss Teen USA in September 2023, she now has a chance to claim the title as Srivastava relinquished the crown to her.

However, after reflecting on everything she has learned throughout her career, Skinner revealed in a statement that she turned down the title of Miss Teen USA. She said this was not a decision she made lightly.

“In light of recent events, I have decided to decline the title of Miss Teen USA,” she wrote on Instagram. “This is not an easy decision. “I hope my choice is respected, as this was a decision I never asked to make.”

She continued by acknowledging that her “word is everything,” before sharing some of the upcoming responsibilities she is now focused on. “I have committed to a global research career opportunity in Thailand that will require me to live abroad for the summer,” she added.

Skinner then showed her support for Srivastava, who recently resigned as Miss Teen USA, and Noelia Vogt, who also recently resigned as Miss USA.

“Also, although I don't know exactly what happened to Noelia and Uma to make them quit, I send them immense love and support,” added the 19-year-old pageant competitor.

She also expressed how much she “advocates for female empowerment” and believes that everyone deserves the “power to use [their] voices”. Skinner, a junior at the University of Pennsylvania, concluded her lengthy statement by sharing her hope to inspire young women on social media.

“Yes, I would appreciate this platform being a national representation of young women across the country, but I think it is the right decision,” she concluded. “I am even more grateful for the opportunity to make an impact by always supporting and serving those around me like Stephanie.”

In the caption, Skinner reiterated that it was not easy to turn down the title of Miss Teen USA, writing, “Please know that this is a very difficult position. I pray for respect for my values ​​and my decision. The most difficult decisions are never easy to make and I wanted to make this decision on my own. Thank you to everyone who has shown me kindness and love like Stephanie, it is appreciated MORE than you know. Sending love.”

Many of Skinner’s fans and followers took to the comments section to praise her statement, including Srivastava, who wrote, “I am so grateful to call you my friend. You always leave me in awe of your dedication and integrity.”

Vogt added: “Since I met you, I loved and admired you. You continue to set a great example wherever you go. Proud of you.”

Hannah Lopa, who was crowned Miss New York United States in 2017, also commented: “Wisdom is knowing the right path to take. integrity is taking that path. Always impressed by you, but not surprised. New York is lucky to have you.”

The independent A representative from Miss Teen USA and the Miss Universe Organization has been contacted for comment.

On May 8, Srivastava revealed on Instagram that she was resigning from her position, writing that she felt her “personal values ​​no longer fully aligned with the direction of the organization.”

“After months of dealing with this decision, I have made the decision to relinquish the title of Miss Teen USA 2023,” she wrote. “I am grateful for all the support from my family, my state directors, my queen sisters and the fans who have cheered me on since winning my state title. I will always fondly remember my time as Miss NJ Teen USA, and the experience of representing my state as a first generation Mexican-Indian American on a national level was rewarding in itself.”

He added: “However, I will continue my tireless advocacy for education and acceptance, with my multilingual children's book 'The White Jaguar' and with the organizations I have had the privilege of working with long before I began competing.”

She said she planned to enjoy finishing her 11th grade and noted that she was eager to begin the college application process and continue being a part of the National Honor Society. She added that she had a “new writing project” that should be published later this year. While she wrote that this “certainly was not [she] Mountain range [her] The reign is coming to an end,” she thanked her followers who helped her on her path to victory.

Two days before, Noelia Voigt revealed that she was leaving her position as Miss United States to prioritize her mental health. The 24-year-old model won the annual beauty pageant last year as Miss Utah, before representing the United States in the Miss Universe competition in November.

“In life, I highly value the importance of making decisions that are best for you and your mental health,” he wrote in his statement. “As individuals, we grow by experiencing different things in life that lead us to learn more about ourselves. My journey as Miss United States has been incredibly meaningful, proudly representing Utah and then the United States at Miss Universe. Unfortunately, I have made the very difficult decision to relinquish the title of Miss USA 2023.”

Voigt continued her post by reflecting on her proud moments throughout her seven-month reign as Miss America, including promoting anti-bullying schemes and working with cleft correction charity Smile Train. She also expressed her gratitude for being able to shed light “on my roots as the first Venezuelan-American woman to win Miss USA.”

She concluded her message by expressing her hope that others “stay strong, prioritize their mental health, advocate for themselves and others using their voice, and never be afraid of what the future holds, even if it seems uncertain.”

Both Voigt and Srivastava's posts came after the resignation of Miss USA social media director Claudia Michelle, who expressed several of her own concerns about the Miss Universe Organization (MUO). In her resignation post on her Instagram, Michelle said that she had seen firsthand the experience of the poor treatment given to Voigt and Srivastava and their families. “I condemn workplace toxicity and harassment of any kind,” she wrote.

“I feel the way current management talks about their starters is unprofessional and inappropriate,” he said, adding that “not enough time or attention” was given to the teen. “I have seen firsthand the lack of respect towards Uma and her family. In my opinion, not enough time and attention was given to our teenage national champion, especially on social media.”

Michelle also claimed that both Voigt and Srivastava had been “threatened” by MUO into sharing personal defenses on social media due to the organization's policies. Voigt, in particular, is a mental health advocate and supporter of the children's charity Smile Train, something she highlighted in her resignation post.

Additionally, Michelle claimed there was a lack of proper management, saying she had been hired with “zero internal team members” to help her and then was not “financially” allowed to hire more. She also claimed to have worked without pay for the first two months and that her superiors made multiple decisions instead of allowing her control and agency in her role.

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