Millie Bobbie Brown reveals she uses a fake name to leave business reviews online

Millie Bobby Brown has revealed that she uses a fake name to leave reviews for different companies.

The 20-year-old actor made the confession during an episode of the show. Table Manners with Jessie and Lennie Ware, which aired on March 13. After podcast hosts Jessie and Lennie Ware shared that they don't write online reviews of the restaurants they visit, Brown confessed that she does.

He then shared that he “goes under a fake name” when he writes these reviews, because he thinks “they're important.” The actress joked that she feels comfortable leaving these notes because so much of her life is in the public eye.

“My whole life is people criticizing me, so sometimes I'll give it back to you,” Brown said, before specifying that he usually leaves these reviews on Yelp.

She then recalled an experience she and her fiancé, Jake Bongiovi, had at a hotel and how that encouraged her to leave a review for that business.

“One time, we were at a hotel and the woman was pulling my fiancé aside, like, 'We need to settle the payment' or whatever, and I just said, 'Yeah, we'll do it, but at the end of our stay , as if we were still here.' And she said, 'Yes, but you can figure it out now,' and I said, 'But I don't want to, I want to do it at the end of our stay.'” Strange things the star explained.

Brown said that after the conversation with the hotel worker, she left the Yelp review because she felt the employee didn't want her to be there. He then specified what the review said.

“It was like, 'I really think you should encourage guests to complete transactions after their stay, so they feel as welcome and at home as possible,” he continued.

Brown then shared another experience at a clothing store, where a woman asked her if she knew where her socks were. While the actor said he didn't know, he still offered to help, noting that he was “looking everywhere” for a certain pair of socks the woman wanted.

She shared that after “20 minutes” of watching, she decided to go to an employee and ask for help. However, according to Brown, the employee was not very friendly.

“I said, 'Excuse me, I need this pattern but I need it in this size, can you help me?' And she was so useless! And I said, 'Please, this isn't even for me, it's for a nice old lady who just wants to give her grandson a nice pair of walking socks,'” she added. “So I left a review.”

Jessie then asked Brown if she was a “Karen,” a name often used to describe someone who is high-strung and overly demanding. In response, the Enola Holmes The star laughed and confessed: “Okay, I'm Karen.” After joking that she's a “woke Karen,” Brown still shared why she thought there was value in leaving Yelp reviews for businesses.

“Listen, I think it's important to know where you went wrong and that there's always room for improvement,” he said.

in the comments of Table Manners' In the TikTok video, which featured Brown's comments about her fake name, many fans praised her for being so candid about her Yelp reviews. They also disagreed with her claim that she was Karen, after hearing the experiences that led her to leave reviews of her.

“There is a difference between being a 'Karen' and offering constructive feedback and criticism. Millie seems to be doing the latter, and so am I! one wrote, while another added: “Honestly, Millie is amazing.”

A third added: “That's not Karen's behavior though, those are reasonable irritations!”

In addition to her Yelp reviews, Brown has shared her honest thoughts on social media. During an interview with daily women's clothing In September, she revealed why her team prevents her from seeing negative things about her on social media and specified that she tries to stay away from Instagram.

“Personally I feel like I wasn't contributing anything to my life. And I felt positive when I didn't have it on my phone. I just felt like I could live my life with more confidence and freedom, mental freedom. [without social media],” she said. “I just feel better about it. But that doesn't mean I can't see good social media: I just have a wonderful team that censors everything so they can protect me.”

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