Mercury Transit: Astrologer Predicts Mixed Effects on Zodiac Signs March 7-26

Individuals of the Pisces zodiac are advised to worship Lord Ganesha on Wednesday during this transition.

Astrologer Dr. Mritunjay Tiwari advises people of the Gemini zodiac to fast on March 7 and chant the Beej Mantra of Mercury.

Mercury will transit the zodiac from March 7 to 26 at 3:09 am, followed by its movement into Aries. This transition has both positive and negative implications for various zodiac signs, as discussed by Dr. Mrityunjay Tiwari, head of the Department of Astrology at Shri Kallaji Vedic University.


Transiting Mercury can bring challenges for Aries individuals, particularly in their professional and financial endeavors. Caution is advised when boating during this period as increased expenses and potential health issues may arise.


On the contrary, Taurus natives can expect auspicious results during this transit. Business ventures are likely to prosper and generate profits and favorable returns on investments. It is also expected that pending tasks will be completed.


Virgo individuals, however, may encounter obstacles during this period, especially when starting new ventures. Dr. Tiwari advises against starting new businesses as losses may occur. It is a time to exercise caution and prudence.


Gemini natives may experience mixed effects; Dr. Tiwari talks about the importance of controlling speech and behavior to avoid interruptions at work. It is recommended to fast on Wednesdays and chant the Mercury Beej Mantra for stability.

Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius

Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius people are advised to keep an eye on their investments and exercise caution to avoid possible losses. Libra natives may face challenges during this transit, which will require patience and resilience.


Pisces individuals should be conscious of their health during the transit of Mercury through their zodiac sign. Carelessness should be avoided and speech should be controlled to avoid conflicts. It is recommended to worship Lord Ganesha on Wednesdays for your well-being.


For people with Cancer, the transit of Mercury can bring negative impacts, particularly in financial matters. Avoiding unnecessary expenses and investments during this period is crucial to avoid financial strain. Patience and restraint are essential for dealing with workplace challenges and managing anger.


On the other hand, Capricorn individuals can anticipate favorable outcomes during this transit. New business plans can be successful, improve financial stability, and be potential career advancements or promotions. It is recommended to donate eco-friendly items on Wednesdays for auspicious reasons.

As Mercury transits the zodiac, individuals of each sign are advised to heed this knowledge and adapt their actions accordingly to navigate the period with awareness and caution.

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