Man says his girlfriend is “not worth” a $10,000 engagement ring

A man refused to buy his girlfriend a $10,000 engagement ring because she “isn't worth it.”

In a post shared on the Am IA**hole forum on Reddit, a 26-year-old man shared why he didn't want to buy his 26-year-old girlfriend of four years an expensive engagement ring, as they have been arguing every once again. marriage. He noted that the two had disagreed about rings, and the bride said she wanted a more expensive one, which surprised him because she had previously been “low maintenance.”

“Although my [girlfriend] “I grew up in a relatively well-off situation, and for as long as I've known her, she's been pretty low maintenance,” he said. “She has never cared for designer brands, she rarely buys new clothes and the jewelry she owns was given to her.”

He wrote that he has had a well-paying job for a while and has also been saving, but since he grew up with less money, he is more hesitant to spend such a large amount on it. Usually he and his girlfriend are on the same page financially, but when he suggested they opt for the more affordable moissanite rings, his girlfriend wasn't happy.

“When I mentioned this to him, he insisted that I wanted a real diamond ring and sent me links to a bunch of diamond rings that he liked. Prices ranged from $6,500 to $10,000. “I told him he wasn’t willing to spend that much,” he wrote. “She seemed really angry and said it wasn't 'that expensive.' We had a pretty big argument about that. I told her it was ridiculous to ask me to spend that much and that I thought she was more reasonable than that.”

“She said I was being cheap and that I could afford it, and I was basically saying she wasn't worth it,” he continued. “I told him that no one is worth a 10,000 ring.”

Although she finally relented and told him she didn't care which ring he bought, he noted that it was clear she was still angry.

“I know this will be an ongoing discussion,” he added. “I'm a little frustrated because this seems out of place. “I always knew that marriage is very important to her, but I didn't realize that she would insist on a diamond ring.”

When he went to his older sister for advice about the situation, she told him that while she was right that the diamond rings were too expensive, she ultimately took his girlfriend's side. His sister told her that she could definitely afford a diamond ring, and she added that she was being a “jerk about this” when his girlfriend had done “so much” for him. She wrote that his girlfriend has been there for him through thick and thin, including a terrible car accident that required many surgeries and left him out of work for six months.

“I don't think I'm obligated to buy an expensive ring because she helped me a few years ago,” he wrote. “But if my own sister said this, I guess my girlfriend must feel the same way too.”

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Users agreed that he was being a jerk in this situation, with most pointing out that the way he approached the situation probably made his girlfriend ultimately feel like he didn't value her.

“You're the asshole,” one user agreed. “Not because you want to spend less on a ring. I think you guys can find a middle ground somewhere if you try. “You’re the idiot because you said she wasn’t worth that amount.”

They added: “You are supposed to love her and you literally gave her a monetary value of less than $10,000. That had to have hurt her terribly. I hope you apologized for that.”

“This is a ring that you will wear 24/7 during the rest of your life. That's a HUGE deal. By your own admission, she is not a materialistic person; This is just the only thing she wants. “$6,000 spread over the next 60 years is an absolutely worthwhile investment for your future wife,” another user wrote. “It's not about you owing him something for helping you. She did that because she loves you. This girl never asks for anything; You should do this because you love her. It would be different if you couldn’t afford it, but clearly you can.”

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