Luke Coutinho with Sonia Bakshi, experts share microexercise tips to gain muscle mass and lose weight

Fitness expert Rishabh Telang of Cult recommends a quick workout plan.

Saurabh Bothra, CEO of Habuild, talks about how short bursts of exercise during the day can help.

Microworkouts are a way to stay active when you're too busy for a full exercise routine. They are short bursts of activity that can help, especially if you work at a desk 9 to 5. Life coach Luke Coutinho spoke about the importance of micro-workouts, saying: “Even if it's just 10 minutes…doing anything is better than nothing… Coutinho also shared a 10-minute exercise routine.

The training consisted of:

100 imaginary jumps

30 jumping jacks

3 sets of push-ups

3 sets of squats

2 sets of dead hangings

Iron until you can't take it anymore

Deep breath for 1 minute.

Experts highlight the benefits of staying active, especially for people who spend long hours sitting and working. Saurabh Bothra, CEO of Habuild, talks about how short bursts of exercise during the day can help. These quick workouts, called microworkouts, typically last 5 to 10 minutes and can be done anytime, anywhere.

Most of these intense workouts are high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises. The good thing about them is that you don't need any equipment.

Sonia Bakshi, nutritionist and founder of DtF, says, “These exercises are great for the heart as they build strength, discipline and stay consistent. They make you feel strong and positive. But if you want to build lean muscle mass and lose weight, you also need to eat healthy.”

Fitness expert Rishabh Telang of Cult recommends a quick workout plan. You do 10 squats and 10 push-ups in 5 minutes using the EMOM (every minute by minute) method. It's 50 squats and 50 push-ups in 5 minutes. Doing this twice a day will give you a good workout.

Things to keep in mind when exercising

Bakshi advises people with knee pain, arthritis, or low vitamin D levels to stay away from imaginary jumping jacks and jumping jacks. Instead, he suggests they can jog in place for a count of 50 or jog around the room for 2 minutes.

For those experiencing neck and shoulder pain, Bakshi recommends avoiding push-ups on the floor. Instead, they can opt for wall push-ups as an alternative. He also recommends a 10-minute full suspension exercise, which is suitable for everyone. But if you have neck or shoulder pain, Bakshi recommends sticking to a shorter duration, just 10 seconds, for hanging.

Bakshi says planks help strengthen the core, improve flexibility, and reduce back pain. Bakshi also says that breathing deeply during planks can help reduce stress and anxiety.

Telang advises people to pay attention to their form and technique, even when doing short workouts. He warns: “If you feel any discomfort or pain in your joints, it is better not to insist. It is advisable to consult a physiotherapist before continuing with training.”

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