Kissing Babies on Lips and Cheeks Can Spread Infections: Health Experts

Kissing babies can also cause allergic reactions.

A newborn baby's immune system is still developing, making him vulnerable to certain infections.

Who doesn't love holding a cute newborn baby in their arms and showering them with all their love? His soft skin makes everyone want to touch and kiss them. The soft little hands, chubby cheeks and bright eyes are truly irresistible to admire and love. Some fathers kiss their children on the cheeks, lips, and forehead, and mothers often hold them close to their chest to help them feel secure while they put them to sleep. But did you know that repeatedly kissing a baby can pose serious risks to the child's health?

Kissing a child on the cheeks and lips repeatedly can be harmful to his or her health. According to a TOI report, a newborn baby's immune system is still developing, making it vulnerable to certain infections. Because they have not received all the vaccines, they are vulnerable to several diseases during the first months.

Kissing a baby on the lips and cheeks can also cause the flu and respiratory syncytial virus. RSV is a critical condition that can be transmitted through physical contact through coughing or sneezing. If you are diagnosed with hepatitis B, your saliva can transmit the virus to your baby, posing a serious risk. Additionally, the herpes virus, which can cause lesions around the lips, can be passed to the baby if they have an active infection. In some cases, kissing babies can also cause allergic reactions.

Some things one should remember when kissing babies:

  1. If you can't help but kiss the baby, simply kiss the other parts of his body, such as his forehead, neck, hands, feet, and stomach.
  2. Your older child's immunity may not be as strong, making him more prone to viral infections. Therefore, keep older siblings away from the baby if they have any kind of viral infection.
  3. Even if you don't suffer from a cough, cold, flu or any other illness, it is best to kiss your baby on the forehead. Wash your hands thoroughly and avoid sneezing or coughing near them.
  4. Babies have delicate and sensitive skin. If lipstick or lip gloss has been applied, avoid kissing the baby to avoid irritation, itching, or a red rash on the skin.
  5. If a family member who visits your house has an infection or respiratory problems, be sure to advise them to stay away from the baby and avoid kissing them.

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