Katie Price says she wants to become a life coach after surviving several traumas

Katie Price has revealed her desire to become a life coach to help people overcome their experiences of various traumas.

The television star, businesswoman and former glamor model has been candid about the ups and downs of her personal life throughout her nearly 30 years in the public eye.

In a new interview with online mailThe mother of five spoke about her belief that several storied life experiences have gifted her with the ability to help others.

“I have severe ADHD and severe PTSD. I've been through breakups, marriages, kidnapping threats; [I was] kidnapped, held at gunpoint, you name it, I've been through it,” Price told the publication.

“And then I had a nervous breakdown, a serious breakdown, and I survived and came out on the other side. I feel like I've been through a lot.

“I want to be a life coach because I live and breathe trauma, I have been through drama, real life events and I have come out the other end. So if I can help people in any way I can, I will.”

One of the traumatic experiences Price is referring to is being raped at gunpoint during a carjacking in South Africa in 2018. After the assault, Price's mental health was affected and she suffered a nervous breakdown.

Comparing that time in his life to now, Price, 46, said he can now approach struggles with a balanced mindset.

Katie Price wants to transform her traumatic experiences into a way to help others
Katie Price wants to transform her traumatic experiences into a way to help others (fake images)

“Nowadays I am very calm,” she explained. “I know how to manage things and my expectations and I wish I had the knowledge I have now and how to deal with situations.

“If something bad happens, I try to think of something positive. I'm still crazy and chaotic, because that's who I am. I still have the personality, I still like to be creative.

“But now I have control. Nobody controls me. I am me. No one, absolutely no one, would break me now, ever.”

Katie Price wants
Katie Price wants to “help people in any way she can” (fake images)

Elsewhere in the interview, published on Saturday (June 15), Price shared some insights into his decision to seek mentorship from podcaster Lewis Raymond Taylor, known to many of his listeners as “The Psycho Life Coach,” due to his diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder. .

Taylor has been open about his suffering from drug addiction in the past, as well as his history of violent behavior and some stints in prison on his podcast. Life recovered.

However, Taylor, who was the focus of the Netflix documentary. The Psychopathic Life Coach In 2023, he turned his life around after his 11th conviction and started a coaching business now worth millions.

“You couldn't make this up!” Price said of Taylor's story. “When you see his story, you would never think in a million years, seeing him in his youth, how he would change things.

“It's a great example of how you can have a real time and turn things around if you recover and get the help you need.”

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