Kaeng Lieng Recipe (Thai Vegetable Soup with Shrimp)

With orange carrots and kabocha squash, green zucchini and chayote, yellow corn, plump white shrimp, and handfuls of spinach and lemon basil, this is a colorful and eye-catching leafy soup. It is so nutritious that it is sometimes recommended to nursing mothers in Thailand.

You can find flavor packets for the soup at Thai markets, such as Silom in Hollywood. But in this version of the soup, which has been adapted from several different recipes online, the curry paste is made from scratch with shrimp powder and shrimp paste, the latter a source of umami so intense it veers into funk. .

Fingerroot, also called grachai, is similar but not the same as ginger. It is often used in this soup but is difficult to find. The soup is still delicious and very nutritious without it.

From the story: The 'soup for dinner' life: It's easy, it's delicious. A never boring way to lose weight

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