Job candidate sparks debate about staying for interview even though recruiter doesn't show up

A job seeker has revealed the lengths she went to for the chance to land a job.

The job seeker, named Sragvi, recently took to TikTok under the username @sragvipattanaik to share what her job interview went like. “Staying on an interview call without showing up for 30 minutes because I'm poor and desperate,” her text on her screen read.

She captioned her video, “It's hard here,” while showing her laptop screen, showing that she was determined to stay on the call.

The TikToker later explained in the comments section that she contacted the recruiter and was only staying on the Zoom link in case the recruiter saw her email and was about to join the call.

Her video received almost a million views, and many people took to the comments section to express how upset they were about Sragvi.

“Bro, but if you were two minutes late they would call you unprofessional and move on to another applicant,” one commenter wrote.

Another commenter agreed, writing, “While I feel better, I'm not the only one getting scammed by a recruiter and this is concerning.”

Other commenters spoke about their own job search experiences and received no responses from potential employers.

“The job field is so ridiculous that I interviewed online, got rejected, went to a hiring event for the same place a week later and was hired on the spot,” one commenter recalled.

Another story in the comments section said, “I sent an email after waiting 30 minutes and they responded with a rejection.”

“I waited like 45 minutes and sent an email around 20 minutes in and was completely lost. Not even an apology or anything,” a third story said.

This isn't the first time someone has taken to the platform to air their complaints about the job search process or their job in general.

In February, a woman spoke out about her company's bereavement package and what it says about work culture in corporate America.

A TikToker with the username @later_kates took to the platform to share what her employer's response was when she informed them that her brother had died.

In her video, she is seen looking at her computer monitor in tears as the text on the screen reads: “Work: I'm sorry your brother died. “Take all the time you need, we have a generous three-day bereavement package.”

Shortly after posting, her TikTok received over four million views, with many people leaving comments about how bad they felt for her and what her own company's policy is.

“American companies are unforgiving. “It’s inhumane,” one comment read.

Another commenter agreed, writing: “'Take all the time you need' having a time requirement. “I’m so sorry, sending you love.”

“I had a family pass and was penalized for performance issues because I couldn't stop crying at my desk. It's incredible how they treat us. “I’m so sorry,” read a third comment.

Some dove into their own experience with bereavement leave, and most of them were as brief as Kate's.

“A week (three paid days) to get over the death of my mother when I was only 24 years old. “Horrible,” said one story in the comments.

Another story in the comments read: “After returning from my three-day bereavement, my work sent me to meet a new client. In the hospital where my mother died. “I immediately put in my two weeks.”

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