Is doing a 36-hour fast like Rishi Sunak really good for you? Experts outline the benefits and drawbacks

W.What makes someone powerful? You could be sitting in a spacious office with a view or have the word “director” next to your name on a business card. Maybe it's owning a particular sports car or carrying a certain designer handbag. Or you could cut all that out and just starve yourself for 36 hours. At least, that's what Rishi Sunak and many other powerful people today would tell you.

It may seem contradictory: get stronger by eating less? – but fasting has been a trend among the rich and famous for some time now. Jack Dorsey, former CEO of Twitter, previously talked about eating only one meal a day. Meanwhile, Coldplay's Chris Martin also recently opened up about his limited diet. “I don't really eat dinner anymore,” he said in a podcast. “I stop eating at 4 in the afternoon and I learned that from having lunch with Bruce Springsteen.”

Then there is the prime minister, who is said to live on water and black coffee alone from 5pm on a Sunday to 5am on a Tuesday. “It's true, he doesn't eat anything on Mondays,” a source said. Sunday weather on the weekend. “He's incredibly disciplined.” Other famous fans of fasting range from Jennifer Aniston and Kourtney Kardashian to Cameron Diaz and Elon Musk, who claimed to lose 20 pounds following an intermittent fasting diet.

But how useful is fasting? In addition to weight loss, benefits are said to range from blood sugar control and heart health to curbing inflammation. Sunak has previously said he fasts at the start of each week as part of a “balanced lifestyle”.

There are several different types of fasting diets. The most popular intermittent fasting involves limiting the period of time during which you eat each day. So, you can try to eat in an eight-hour window, say from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. There is also the 20:4 fasting diet, where you fast for 20 hours and eat in a four-hour window, or the alternate day fasting routine, where you eat for one day and then fast the next day. Or, like Sunak, you could try extended fasting periods, which means abstaining from food for at least 24 hours.

“Current human studies suggest that intermittent fasting may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by improving weight control, hypertension, and insulin sensitivity,” explains leading nutritionist and bestselling author Rhiannon Lambert.

Abstaining from food for a long period of time can also cause the body to go into autophagy, “where the body removes damaged cells and regenerates new, healthy cells,” says Sebnem Unluisler, a genetic engineer at the Regenerative Institute in London. “This process is thought to have potential benefits for overall cellular health.”

“While there is some data to support that intermittent fasting could be an effective weight loss tool,” he adds, “other research has concluded that there are actually no significant differences in weight loss between people following their normal dietary patterns and those who choose to do intermittent fasting. fast. So while there is some evidence that it can be healthy, people in my field would always recommend that people eat a balanced diet and stay active to stay healthy.”

Current human studies suggest that intermittent fasting may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

(Getty Images)

In some cases, prolonged periods of fasting, like Sunak's, can actually cause more harm than good, and Lambert explains that this practice could lead to nutritional deficiencies. Generally, fasting longer than 36 hours should always be done under the guidance of a medical professional. “A well-balanced diet is essential to provide the body with the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients necessary for proper functioning,” he says. “If fasting periods are not properly planned with the help of a health professional, people can lose key nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. “This can lead to nutritional imbalances, leading to fatigue, weakened immune function, and deterioration in overall health.”

While there is extensive research on intermittent fasting, very few studies have been published on 36-hour fasts specifically. “Studies in rodents show that intermittent fasting can improve metabolic profiles and reduce the risk of obesity and obesity-related conditions,” says dietitian Fareeha Jay. “However, data from human studies is limited regarding its positive impact. “As a result, the best fasting program cannot be determined due to lack of data.”

Anyone with a history of eating disorders should avoid any type of fasting. Imposing these types of restrictions on the way you eat and abstaining from food for long periods of time can only serve to trigger old problems related to your relationship with food, especially if you cannot follow the regimen. “Those who have had eating disorders are at high risk of causing further harm to themselves and should not follow any type of fasting regimen,” says Jay.

Despite what some people may claim, fasting can also slow down your metabolism as your body adapts to conserve its energy. For some, this could even lead to weight gain. “During periods of reduced calorie intake, the body may enter a state of energy conservation to preserve resources,” says Lambert. “This can result in a decrease in the number of calories burned at rest (basal metabolic rate). “While this adaptive response is a survival mechanism, it can make weight maintenance or loss more challenging in the long term.”

There may also be side effects due to lack of regular energy supply. These can range from physical symptoms, such as fatigue, to psychological ones. “A prolonged state of fasting can affect blood sugar levels, contributing to fluctuations that can lead to mood swings,” explains Lambert. “The body's response to hunger and nutrient deprivation during the fasting period can also affect neurotransmitters and hormones, which could lead to irritability, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating.”

For obvious reasons, any type of fasting diet can also be difficult to maintain, especially alongside any type of social schedule, which can have other consequences down the line. “Not being able to continue can lead to feelings of guilt and disappointment,” adds Jay. “We need to honor our hunger. Ignoring hunger cues during fasting can affect certain chemical messengers in our body related to our appetite, such as ghrelin and neuropeptide Y. This can lead to sensations such as feeling hungry constantly and specifically craving carbohydrates.” Again, if this leads you to break your fast unexpectedly or overeat at windows when you are not fasting, it could cause unexpected weight gain.

In short, until more research is done, the jury is out on fasting. As for how long you should fast, that depends. “Some fasting protocols are known to continue [intermittently] for seven days, but this is not necessary for most people,” says BANT nutritionist Jo Woodhurst. “It's about finding what works for you, your goals, your lifestyle and your health status. What matters most, if you're going to try it, is the length of fasting that works for you.”

Of course, there are some people who should avoid fasting diets, such as pregnant women, children, and those who have a history of eating disorders. “Additionally, it is important to know that both men and women should approach intermittent fasting differently, as women should take a more gradual approach to fasting to reduce the potential risk of negative side effects such as bone health, reproductive health and reproductive health. simply general well-being,” adds Lambert. “And remember, each of us is unique, and what might work for one and help us feel good, may not work for others.”

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