Is apple cider vinegar really good for you?

Used in tangy salad dressings, meat marinades, chutneys, and rich pickles, apple cider vinegar adds needed flavor to spicy dressings. But more than that, this powerful liquid is a wellness remedy for many, as it is used to aid digestion and reduce cholesterol levels.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is made up of crushed apple juice that has been fermented into yeast, converting the sugars into ethanol. “First, the apples are mashed and yeast is added to speed up the fermentation process, so that the sugar turns into alcohol after a few weeks,” explains WebMD. “Natural bacteria then break down the alcohol into acetic acid, which gives vinegar its pungent flavor and smell.”

There are two types of ACV: filtered or unfiltered. Filtered ACV is clear and pasteurized, while unfiltered ACV has a thick fog of sediment. According to WebMD, most store-bought ACVs are leaked. Not all ACVs are offered in liquid form; You can also buy powders, tablets, gummies and pills.

Despite the overwhelming number of users who swear by the effects of ACV for their overall health, is the substance beneficial? Is ACV good for you?

Based on the results of research conducted by health professionals, Healthline confirmed that ACV consumption is healthy. Specifically, the acetic acid it contains. ACV contains five percent acetic acid, which acts as the main active compound in vinegar.

“Unfiltered organic apple cider vinegar also contains a substance called mother, which consists of strands of proteins, enzymes, and friendly bacteria that give the product a cloudy appearance,” Healthline stated, adding that the “mother” often It is considered the most nutritious part. of stroke.

Although most bottles of ACV do not contain minerals and vitamins, some brands add amino acids and antioxidants. Amino acids can help with muscle recovery, immune system, muscle gain, endurance, skin and fatigue. Antioxidants have been shown to help reduce the risk of diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Aside from acetic acid, the vinegar content of ACV can help kill harmful bacteria and pathogens. Additionally, vinegar is a preservative, meaning it can inhibit E.coli growth, so that food does not spoil quickly.

“To date, one of the most compelling applications for vinegar is to help treat type 2 diabetes,” says Healthline. To support this claim, the outlet cited a 2019 clinical study and a 2021 review of clinical trials that found that “vinegar consumption may have beneficial effects on the glycemic index and oxidative stress in people with diabetes and dyslipidemia” and ” ACV consumption may benefit glycemic status.” in adults.”

Still, the National Centers for Complementary and Integrative Health urge people to consult their doctors about replacing medical treatments with this natural remedy, especially if they are already taking medications aimed at lowering their blood sugar levels, as this could cause hypoglycemia.

Apple cider vinegar comes in five different forms: liquid, powder, tablets, gummies, and lozenges.
Apple cider vinegar comes in five different forms: liquid, powder, tablets, gummies, and lozenges. (fake images)

ACV also has weight loss benefits, increasing feelings of satiety, according to Healthline, due to the concentration of vinegar. Meanwhile, it may also improve skin health, according to Healthline. While the skin is “slightly acidic by nature”, many people experience dryness and eczema, which reduces the natural acidity.

“Topical use of diluted apple cider vinegar can help rebalance the skin's natural pH, improving the skin's protective barrier,” noted Healthline. However, the outlet also warned that ACV could irritate the skin depending on each individual's skin type.

Healthline listed the standard ACV dosage as one to two teaspoons or one to two tablespoons per day. Most people prefer to mix the liquid into a glass of water rather than taking a drink alone.

“It is best to start with small doses and avoid taking large amounts. “Too much vinegar can cause harmful side effects, including erosion of tooth enamel and possible drug interactions,” the site stated.

Health experts on TikTok, like @doctorsood, have taken to the app and claim that ACV can increase blood glucose levels and slow the breakdown of carbohydrates into sugar, which is beneficial for anyone who is prediabetic or has diabetes. . More than that, user Doctor Sood argued that ACV can increase weight loss and that a diluted tablespoon should be consumed 20 to 30 minutes before a meal.

Additionally, TikTok dermatologist Dr. Neera told her followers that ACV can help with smelly feet, nail fungus, and rough, dry heels.

“Apple cider vinegar contains malic acid, which can help exfoliate and heal rough, cracked feet and also has antibacterial and antifungal properties to help eliminate foot odor, nail fungus, and toenail fungus.” athlete,” he said in a May 20 post.

However, Edwin McDonald IV, an assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago, said there hasn't been enough research to confirm ACV's effect on high blood sugar or cancer.

“In general, stroke is safe,” Professor McDonald said. “Like any supplement, ACV is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. “It may have some benefits for our body, but overall, we need more studies to truly understand the health benefits and side effects associated with stroke.”

After consumption, possible indigestion, low potassium levels and burns on the skin and throat may occur.

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