Husband sparks outrage after choosing a name for his baby that his wife hates

A husband has sparked a debate over his best choice for a baby name, after his wife admitted she thinks it is “terrible”.

In a recent post shared on Reddit, a woman asked other social media users for help because she doesn't like the name of the baby her partner is “obsessed” with. She then shared details about her name, Mips, and how her husband has always liked it.

“My husband has been obsessed with this name since before we had kids and he won’t let it go, no matter what I tell him,” she explained.

She then commented on why she felt differently about the name, despite her husband's positive outlook.

“I think the name is basically painting a target on a child’s back and no one will take it seriously,” she added. “My husband thinks it’s a cute name and it will start a naming trend.”

The woman shared that along with the name Mips, her husband “also opts for Mipsie.” After emphasizing that her partner was “serious” about this name, she explained that she wanted to convince him that it was “terrible,” which is why she was posting on the Reddit page.

Her post quickly went viral and received over 18,000 upvotes. In the comments, several people criticized the name her husband chose for the baby and many stated that it is not suitable for any child or adult.

“Even if you like it, naming a baby is a matter of yes or no. How lucky you are,” one wrote, while another joked: “If you want to name something Mipsie, pick a cat. “Mips sounds like a really cute animal name!”

“Oh no. That's a great name for a ridiculously furry cat, rabbit, or dog,” wrote a third. “Something small and fuzzy. Not a grown woman. I swear people forget that babies become adults one day and have to be saddled with the absurd names parents thought were adorable embroidered on diaper bags.”

Others continued to criticize the woman's husband, with some going so far as to claim that she should end her marriage and that her partner “should stop giving her ideas for baby names.”

In an edit of the publication, she responded to some of the criticism and noted that she would not break up with her “adorable husband” over the situation. She also shared that while she and her husband have a list of baby names that they both like, Mips was the only one on the list that she didn't like.

“It's really the only name I've had to say a firm no to. He insists it would be a good name for a boy, but luckily he's open to a lot more options,” she added.

She then shared a message from her husband, who later acknowledged that “Mip/Mipsie” was a bad name. He also noted that after the playful discussion between him and his wife about the name, which he claimed “was a reference to Super Mario 64,” they both decided that at the end of the day, they would “always name it [their] “somewhat normal child.”

This isn't the first time an argument over baby names has gone viral. In a post shared on the Reddit forum “Am I The A**hole” in March, a woman was praised for rejecting her husband's baby name for a girl, “Stuarta.” The name was inspired by the name Stuart Jr, since if the woman had a child, she would name him after her husband.

“Apparently, [my husband’s] The logic is that since Stuart ends in a 't', we can just add an 'a' to make it feminine,” he admitted. “I tried to explain why that doesn't quite work, how it sounds more like a furniture brand than a human name, how she would be endlessly correcting people and explaining her background.”

He began offering alternative names, some that had the same “sound or meaning” as “Stuart.” While her husband wasn't interested in any of those name options, she said she wasn't going to call her son “Stuarta” anyway.

“Now I love my husband very much and I understand that I want to honor my family. But I can't imagine subjecting our daughter to a lifetime of awkward stares and endless questions about her “unusual” name. “She also worries me about possible harassment and the impact it could have on her self-esteem,” she explained.

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