Husband Complains His Ex-Wife Was Too Quick After He Broke Up With Her On Their Anniversary Trip

How long should someone wait to date again after a breakup? It is a common question among friends but also on social networks.

In a recent Reddit post shared in the popular “Am I the Asshole?” On the subreddit, a woman explained that her husband had filed for separation while they were on vacation to celebrate their 14th wedding anniversary. He had told her that he was just “not happy” in their relationship and couldn't explain why, but he thought there might be a better option for him with someone else, but admitted that she might find “flirty” messages from other women if she checked. your phone.

They ended up changing their flights home and he eventually left her home for seven days before asking to return and starting marriage counseling. “It was very difficult for him to admit that he had at least one emotional affair. The counseling was not helpful, he was defensive and not open to it,” the Reddit post read.

Woman Wonders If She Moved On Too Quickly After Marriage Ended
Woman Wonders If She Moved On Too Quickly After Marriage Ended (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

After trying to get counseling and living together for four weeks, the woman wrote that her husband had given up and ended up signing the lease for a new apartment for him.

The person who posted on Reddit admitted that the news came out of nowhere and that they had to take time off work just to process what was happening.

But four weeks later, she ended up hitting it off with a coworker she had previously only interacted with online.

“We started seeing each other a couple of times a week. It very quickly turned into a truly amazing love relationship. I have stayed in therapy the entire time because it wasn't easy to process the sudden end of my long-term marriage at the same time as starting something new. It’s been about seven months,” she explained in her Reddit post.

Her husband then decided he wanted to try to save the marriage again, but she refused, causing him to tell her that she had started a new relationship too quickly.

Even though she questioned whether her husband was right or wrong, many people took to the comments after she posted to let her know that they thought she had made the right decision in rejecting his offer to try to fix their marriage and assured her that I did not do it. I didn't move too fast.

“He literally said he felt there would be a better woman for him somewhere. He's probably cheated on you several times, so he has no right to be mad at you for moving on when he couldn't even be faithful to you. He can’t try to get rid of you and love you again,” one comment read.

Another commenter agreed, writing: “He dumped you twice. I guess you were supposed to sit and wallow in tears while he went off doing whatever and whoever until he was ready to come back to you.

“How is that even a question?” He began a third comment. “He ruins your anniversary trip, he most likely cheated and dated other people after the marriage ended, he wanted to end the marriage, then out of nowhere he says he wants to save the marriage after he destroyed it and then he says You are a **hole to date someone when you were single? I refuse to answer this question. He is the Sauron of assholes.”

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