How to Wash Raw Chicken to Prevent Harmful Bacteria from Spreading in the Kitchen

Simply washing chicken does not remove all the germs.

In general, chicken contains a type of bacteria called Salmonella and Campylobacter. These germs can cause serious illnesses, including infections.

Be it Biryani, Momos, Rolls, Kebabs or curries, chicken lovers like to eat fresh chicken. But before cooking, everyone washes and rinses the meat with water to remove blood and fat from the meat. But did you know that washing chicken before cooking can be fatal? Many people don't know the correct way to wash chicken, and according to a report in The Conversation, chicken should never be washed before cooking.

Before, it was necessary to wash the chickens, since when they were brought from the market they would find traces of feathers, slime or dirt. But today, birds are pre-washed and ready to cook. Still, people wash chicken for pleasure to remove dangerous microorganisms from raw meat. In fact, chicken contains harmful microorganisms, but washing it before cooking does not eliminate them.

In general, chicken contains a type of bacteria called Salmonella and Campylobacter. These germs can cause serious illness, with infections causing symptoms such as fever, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea and possibly even sepsis (blood infection). In particular, children, pregnant women, older people, and people with other health conditions are at higher risk of contracting illnesses from these bacteria.

Hence, this process does not eliminate all germs; It only removes bacteria from the surface. It also significantly increases the risk of infection from raw chicken, as it could allow bacteria cleaned from the chicken skin to travel throughout the kitchen.

You may be wondering how to wash chicken. Most of the time, raw poultry comes in bacteria-infected wrappers or containers. So, first of all, open the container and take out the chicken. Discard the container immediately in a clean plastic bag to avoid spills on the kitchen floor.

Now, place the raw bird on a sanitized cutting board, simply wipe any dirt or slime off the surface of the chicken with a paper towel and discard. Now comes the main step. Experts suggest boiling chicken in hot water or washing it thoroughly with hot water to eliminate all microorganisms. Also, be sure to remove the skin from the chicken. Chicken breast is the most beneficial of all chicken parts and is very low in calories, but chicken skin contains fat.

Now, whenever you cook chicken at home, keep these tips in mind and enjoy your fresh chicken delight.

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