How to stop being a possessive partner? Sadhguru answers

Couples often face problems such as jealousy.

Spiritual teacher Sadhguru explains what causes excessive attachment in a relationship and how to deal with it.

In every relationship there is always a certain amount of possessiveness, but there is a big difference between wanting someone and wanting to possess them. When it comes to coping with feelings of jealousy, couples sometimes fail. Possessiveness can ruin a romantic relationship and make partners feel suffocated. Spiritual teacher Sadhguru explains what causes excessive attachment in a relationship and how to deal with it.

“Don’t try to overcome possessiveness. Try to keep something completely under control. Once you realize the pain of trying to keep something under control in that way, that pain will heal you from being possessive. If you try not to be possessive, that won’t work. Because you’ve already tried, right? You’ve tried and you’ve lost, that’s why you’re asking me. Be completely possessive. Whether it’s your husband, your child, your house, or even your dog, if you keep it completely to yourself, it will cause you unbearable pain. Because it hurts so much that it heals you,” she said.

He further explained, “You can change what you are clinging to if you want, but the craving or need to cling to something has not yet disappeared. You can cling to something else instead of this. This is because your desire to cling to something basically comes from an unsatisfactory life experience. It comes from an incomplete awareness.”

Sadhguru also stated that one should not attempt anything lightly, but should try with all one's might. If one makes an effort with all one's might, one will know within 24 hours whether it works. If the effort is made lightly and sporadically, it may take a lifetime to realise this. Similarly, if there are 24 qualities to realise, it may take 24 lifetimes to grasp all of them. Half-hearted attempts will not suffice. If one tries too hard, one will realise within 24 hours that it will not work.

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