How to have a great day at work: understand the principle of collagen

cOllagen has been having a real moment in recent years, with powders, gels and pills popping up everywhere and celebrities swearing by it to achieve a glowing youthful look. But I'm interested beyond the fact that it might make us look better and I want to know if it's something that will make us feel better too.

So what is it really? Collagen is the most common type of protein, accounting for 25 to 35 percent of our entire body's protein content. It is mainly composed of the amino acids glycine, proline and hydroxyproline; These amino acids form three strands that form the triple helix structure characteristic of collagen.

Found in the skin, connective tissue, bones, cartilage, tendons and cornea, it provides structural support to tissues and plays important roles in cellular processes, including tissue repair, immune response, cellular communication and tissue maintenance. It's very important.

But as we age, collagen breaks down and its production slows down. This, coupled with the loss of another key structural protein called elastin, causes signs of aging, such as sagging skin and wrinkles.

Meanwhile, because the integrity of the collagen found in the skeletal system also declines with age, this leads to reductions in bone strength, weaker muscles, and stiff tendons or ligaments. When you're sitting at your desk all day, you can see how this can exacerbate aches and pains.

While collagen loss and damage as we age is inevitable, certain dietary and lifestyle factors can accelerate this process quite quickly: smoking, excessive drinking, eating a diet high in sugar and ultra-processed foods, as well as Sun exposure can cause damage.

The good news is that while our body produces collagen naturally, you can also consume it. Collagen is found in all animals (most concentrated in the skin and joints, bones, skin and ligaments), beans and eggs. Bone broth is full of it.

It's also good to keep in mind that vitamin C is necessary for collagen synthesis and works together with protein, so fill up with citrus fruits, peppers, vegetables and berries too.

But is it worth supplementing what our body produces naturally? Melanie Lawson, founder of health supplement producer Bare Biology, thinks so: “When we turn 25, our collagen production slows down and around age 30 we start to lose about 1 percent a year. Yes, collagen helps give skin its plump appearance, but it has also been found to support a healthy gut and [help] the teeth come together. “It also helps with hair growth and bone health by inhibiting bone loss and improving bone composition.” He also tells me that it allows you to recover from exercise and is increasingly popular among athletes and people who train a lot.

In his opinion, anyone over the age of 25 or those who struggle with hair loss or want to improve their bone and intestinal health could seriously benefit from additional collagen. Not only will it improve the condition of your skin, but thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, anyone who suffers from rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis could also benefit.

I turn 46 this year and I'm definitely going to experiment with it to see if it adds some vitality to my day. Watch this space.

Nicola Elliott is the founder of NEOM and her book, 'The Four Paths to Wellbeing: Sleeping Better'. Less stress. More energy. Mood Boost', is published by Penguin Life

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