How gaslighting affects your relationship and mental well-being

A common psychological manipulation technique that causes victims to doubt reality, sanity, and self-esteem is gaslighting.

Gaslighting is a pervasive form of emotional abuse that not only undermines the foundation of a relationship, but also inflicts lasting damage on people's mental and emotional well-being.

Gaslighting, a manipulative tactic used to undermine someone's perception of reality, can have devastating effects on people's relationships and mental health. As relationship coach Jeevika Sharma clarified, here are several ways gaslighting impacts both the dynamics of a relationship and the emotional well-being of those involved.

  1. Loss of confidence and independenceOne of the most profound effects of gaslighting is the erosion of trust within the relationship. The gaslighter's constant denial or distortion of reality leads the victim to question her own judgment, resulting in a loss of confidence in herself and her partner. This loss of trust can lead to a feeling of dependence on the gaslighter, perpetuating a cycle of emotional control and manipulation.
  2. Unhealthy Dependency and Emotional AbuseGaslighting often results in a codependent dynamic, where the victim becomes dependent on the gaslighter for validation and approval. The gaslighter maintains the power by keeping his partner emotionally dependent and constantly seeking his peace of mind. This power imbalance can lead to emotional abuse, as the lighter manipulates their partner's emotions and perceptions to maintain control over the relationship.
  3. Psychological trauma and emotional turmoilThe psychological impact of gaslighting can be profound, causing feelings of confusion, doubt, and emotional turmoil. Victims of gaslighting may experience trauma stemming from childhood or past relationships, which exacerbates their susceptibility to manipulation. This trauma can manifest in a variety of ways, including trust issues, anxiety, depression, and even suicidal tendencies, as the victim struggles to reconcile her own reality with the false narrative imposed by the gaslighter.
  4. Obsessive love and delusional beliefsGaslighting can also trigger obsessive love disorder, as the victim becomes obsessed with the gaslighter and is unable to distinguish between truth and falsehood. Gas lighter manipulation creates a distorted reality in which the victim becomes trapped, leading to delusional beliefs and a detachment from reality. In such cases, the relationship becomes a façade, built on illusions and false promises that ultimately undermine its longevity and stability.

Gaslighting is a pervasive form of emotional abuse that not only undermines the foundation of a relationship, but also inflicts lasting damage on people's mental and emotional well-being. Recognizing the signs of gaslighting and seeking support from trusted friends, family, or professionals is crucial to freeing yourself from its insidious control and regaining autonomy and self-esteem in relationships.

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