How fit are you? You don't need medical tests, evaluate your physical condition in these ways

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These three self-assessment methods will reveal your fitness level.

If you are physically active, you are fit. But how can you know if you have strength or not without undergoing medical tests?

Evaluate your physical condition: Determine your strength and fitness based on the type of physical activities you engage in. For example, your daily workout routine, strenuous household chores, ability to lift weights effectively or perform gym workouts properly – all these factors indicate your strength. Good nutrition alone is not enough to build strength; it also requires some kind of rigorous physical activity. If you engage in these kinds of activities, you are fit. But how can you tell whether you have strength or not without undergoing medical tests? Absolutely not. Here, we have outlined three self-assessment methods that will reveal your fitness level.

1. Dead hang test

This test focuses on upper body strength, which has implications for heart health and longevity. Find a sturdy horizontal bar set slightly higher than your height. Grip the bar firmly and hang with your feet off the ground. How long you can hold the hanging position reveals your level of strength. Hanging for 0 to 30 seconds indicates room for improvement, hanging for 30 to 60 seconds indicates moderate strength, and hanging for more than 60 seconds reflects excellent fitness. For women, benchmarks are 20 seconds, 40 seconds, and 60 seconds, respectively.

2. Cooper test

This assessment measures aerobic fitness by estimating VO2 max, an indicator of how efficiently the body uses oxygen during exercise. To take the test, run (or walk briskly if that's not possible) for 12 minutes and measure the distance covered. Multiply the distance by 35.97, subtract 11.29, and you'll get your estimated VO2 max score. Higher scores mean better cardiovascular health and endurance.

3. Iron test

The plank tests core strength and endurance. Lie on your stomach and raise your body so that only your elbows and toes touch the floor, maintaining a straight line from your head to your heels. How long you can hold this position indicates your core stability. Holding the plank for one minute is considered good for both men and women, while holding it for more than three minutes signifies exceptional core strength.

These tests not only provide insight into your current fitness level, but also serve as benchmarks to track your progress over time. Remember that regular physical activity and strength training are essential components of maintaining overall health and well-being, and complement a balanced diet. By integrating these assessments into your routine, you can effectively monitor your fitness progress and strive to achieve your health goals.

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