How do strokes affect our immune system and measures to prevent them?

Although the immune system protects the brain, some immune responses have negative effects after a stroke.

This immunosuppression can last for weeks or months after the first event, increasing the complications of the recovery process.

A stroke is a condition that occurs when blood flow to the brain is interrupted, which can lead to cell death. It is often among the leading causes of mortality and disability affecting the immune system in general. According to the World Health Organization, stroke is the second leading cause of death worldwide, affecting 15 million people each year. There is a strong link between stroke and the immune system. While the immune system protects the brain, some immune responses have negative effects after a stroke.

Stanford University postdoctoral researcher Kristy Zera and Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery Marion S. Buckwalter explain the immune response to stroke in their co-authored paper. After a stroke, many forms of immunity change significantly due to the impact the stroke has on the system.

First, there is an acute inflammation phase in which immune cells reach the brain, which also contributes to tissue destruction. Next, there is an immunosuppression phase in which the body's overall immune response is suppressed. This immunosuppression increases the tendency to develop infections such as pneumonia and urinary tract infections, which are complications commonly associated with stroke.

It has been established that peripheral lymphopenia and lack of T cell response are prolonged in stroke patients, factors that make them susceptible to infections.

This immunosuppression can last for weeks or months after the first event, increasing complications of the recovery process and mortality rates.

In addition, stroke also reduces the size of immune organs, including the spleen, and therefore increases the risk of infection prevalence.

Lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of stroke

Small lifestyle changes can prevent the risk of stroke and significantly strengthen the immune system. These include paying attention to diet and physical activity.

  • Regular exercisePhysical exercise is necessary because it strengthens the immune system and minimizes inflammation. It also maintains a healthy weight, controls cholesterol and strengthens the heart.
  • Balanced dietA diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Adequate sleepSleep is very important for the immune system. Lack of sleep affects people's ability to fight off diseases by weakening their immune system.
  • Stress ManagementLong-term stress has been shown to damage the human immune system. Stress management, as well as strengthening the immune system, can be achieved through the use of practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and yoga.
  • Avoid tobacco and excessive alcoholSmoking tobacco impairs immune defense mechanisms and increases the risk of stroke; alcohol is also bad for your health as it weakens the immune system and also contributes to strokes.
  • Regular health check-upsThe risks of stroke and its complications can be avoided through early detection.
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