Holocaust Fallen Day – Last: King Charles issues vital warning to the world on Auschwitz's release anniversary

King Charles meets Holocaust survivors

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The king has issued a vital warning to the world on the day of the fallen of the Holocaust before his visit to Auschwitz-Birkenau to commemorate the 80th anniversary of his release.

Going to a group of survivors of the Holocaust in the Jewish Community Center (JCC) in Krakow, Poland, Charles today described as “a time when we remember the depths to which humanity can sink when evil flowers, ignored during Too too time for the world. “

He said: “In a world that remains full of confusion and conflicts and has witnessed the appearance of anti -Semitism, there can be no more important message …

“The act of remembering the evil of the past remains a vital task.”

Charles will attend a service at the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum and Memorial this afternoon, becoming the first British head of state to visit the old Nazi concentration camp.

A real source said The telegraph: “It will be a deeply personal pilgrimage to the king: pay tribute as much as a man and monarch.”

Auschwitz's survivors will address the guest guests who are expected to also include the president of France, Emmanuel Macron, the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, to King Willem-allexander and the Maxima Queen of the Netherlands and the King of Spain, to the king of Spain, to the King Philip VI and a Queen Letizia.

Meanwhile, the Princess of Wales will join the Prince of Wales to attend a service in London, along with Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

On the day of the Holocaust Memorial is celebrated annually on January 27, the day Auschwitz was released by the soldiers of the 60th Army of the First Ukrainian Front in 1945, in reminding the six million Jewish people killed during the Holocaust, as well as The millions of other people killed under Nazi persecution and those who died in later genocides.

Read longest: 'Inside the commander of Auschwitz's house, the secrets that his daughter revealed to me in life'

While the world marks the 80th year of the release of the Nazi extermination field, author Thomas Harding is one of the few people who met the family of the Auschwitz intellectual author.

Here, he remembers exactly what Rudolf Hoess's daughter told him about the next -side life where more than one million innocents were murdered:

Tara CobhamJanuary 27, 2025 16:22

The survivor of the Holocaust remembers' the constant black smoke struggled to the burned meat from concentration camp

Another survivor of the Holocaust has remembered the “constant black smoke that turns off the burned meat from the chimneys” of the concentration camp.

Leon Weintraub told the audience in a memory service that marked the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz's liberation that when we arrived at the extermination field: “We were stripped of our humanity.”

He said: “I suffered a lot, I felt so alone, I was brutally separated from my family, I suffered due to the constant black smoke that stampled to the burned meat from the chimneys.”

Tara CobhamJanuary 27, 2025 16:20

Look: King Charles meets the Holocaust survivors

King Charles meets Holocaust survivors

Tara CobhamJanuary 27, 2025 16:01

The survivor of the Holocaust remembers having seen “all my little rounded friends and taken to his death”

A Holocaust survivor recalled having had five and a half years when he saw “from my hiding place as all my little friends were arrested and taken to his death.”

Tova Friedman told an audience of dignitaries around the world: “I remember that as a five and a half year old boy, watching from my hiding place while all my little friends were rounded and taken to death, while the anguish and screams From his parents they fell on deaf ears … I remember thinking: “Am I the only Jewish child in the world?”

Tova Friedman recalled to have five and a half years when he saw 'from my hiding place while all my little friends were rounded and taken to his death' (Sky News)

Tara CobhamJanuary 27, 2025 16:01

“We are here to proclaim that we will never allow history to be repeated,” says the survivor of the Holocaust in the service

A holocaust survivor has told the audience in a ceremony that commemorates Auschwitz's liberation: “We are here to proclaim that we will never allow history to be repeated.”

Tova Friedman, who was only six and a half years old when the Nazi countryside was released, said: “I represent the children. Very few of us remain. Four Chiildren survived from my city.

“So I'm here to talk about those who are not here. And I feel very honored to talk to this type of audience that has come from everyone to cry, remember and honor the memory of our people who were so brutally murdered by the Nazis.

“However, we are also here to proclaim that we will never allow history to be repeated.”

Tara CobhamJanuary 27, 2025 15:54

In photos: the survivor of the Holocaust Marian Turski gives a welcome speech at the ceremony

Marian Turski, Polish historian, journalist, survivor of the Holocaust and member of the Auschwitz International Council
Marian Turski, Polish historian, journalist, survivor of the Holocaust and member of the Auschwitz International Council (Getty images)
King Charles of Great Britain and King Frederik of Denmark attend an event to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration and extermination field of Auschwitz-Birkenau Alemán
King Charles of Great Britain and King Frederik of Denmark attend an event to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration and extermination field of Auschwitz-Birkenau Alemán (Reuters)
Marian Turski gives the welcome address at the service on Monday in Oswiecim, Poland
Marian Turski gives the welcome address at the service on Monday in Oswiecim, Poland (Getty images)

Tara CobhamJanuary 27, 2025 15:39

The next generation must learn about the “catastrophic moral failure” of the Holocaust, says David Lammy

The next generation should not be allowed to concentrate on the “clickbait” online and ignore the umbrellas of the Holocaust, said David Lammy.

The Foreign Secretary said young people needed to understand “how the seeds of such catastrophe still surround us.”

Speaking at a reception co-presented by the Israeli embassy in the United Kingdom, Lammy said: “'Never again' is a solemn promise that we owe to the victims, but also that we must maintain for our own good, and for the sake of the good of the future generations.

“We need the memory of the Holocaust. Holocaust education. Action against anti -Semitism: it is how we build a better future for all of us together. ”

Tottenham's deputy said: “As a black man descended from the Windrush generation, as MP for the most diverse constituency in Britain, including, I am proud to say, a prosperous Jewish community, and now, as secretary of Foreign Affairs, I see Too many signs of that persistent infection.

“Auschwitz did not start in its gas cameras. Genocide does not begin with genocide.

“It begins with the denial of rights. With attacks on the rule of law. With a resentment of the other.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy talking during the event at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Jordan Pettitt/PA)
Foreign Secretary David Lammy talking during the event at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Jordan Pettitt/PA) (PA wire)

Tara CobhamJanuary 27, 2025 14:55

King pays tribute to the survivors of the Holocaust for teaching us to “never be passeng on violence and hate”

The king has said that the testimony of the survivors of the Holocaust teaches us to “never be a spectator in the face of violence and hate”, since he met those who lived one of the darkest hours of humanity.

Charles visited the heart of the Jewish community of Krakow when commemorations began to mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the old Nazi concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.

King Carlos III presents a painting of children who thank him for his visit to the Jewish Community Center (JCC) in Krakow
King Carlos III presents a painting of children who thank him for his visit to the Jewish Community Center (JCC) in Krakow (Victoria Jones/Pa Wire)

Tara CobhamJanuary 27, 2025 14:24

Kate to attend the Holocaust Fallen Day event with William in London

The Princess of Wales will join her husband to attend official commemorations for Mark Holocaust Memorial Day.

William and Kate will present their respects in a service in London on the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz's liberation on Monday.

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer is expected to attend and talk in the service, along with the faith and civic leaders and survivors of the Holocaust and the most recent genocides.

Both the Prince and the Princess, then the Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge, attended a service that marked the 75th anniversary in 2020, while Kate also took photographs of survivors of the Holocaust in the Kensington Palace.

Kate, 43, made a surprise return to public appearances earlier this month when he thanked the medical teams at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London, where he received his treatment against cancer.

He later said that it was “a relief now in remission” and that he was “waiting for a satisfactory year.”

Read the full story here:

Tara CobhamJanuary 27, 2025 14:04

King visit to the Jewish community in Krakow before Auschwitz's commemorations

The king visited the heart of the Jewish community of Krakow when the commemorations began to mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the old Nazi extermination field Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Charles met with survivors of the Holocaust in the Jewish Community Center (JCC) Krakow that opened in 2008 and greeted dozens of supporters outside the building.

Some people extended their hands for the king to tremble, while others raised their smartphones to capture their visit.

King Carlos III presents a plaque during his visit to the Jewish Community Center (JCC) Krakow,
King Carlos III presents a plaque during his visit to the Jewish Community Center (JCC) Krakow, (Pennsylvania)

Tara CobhamJanuary 27, 2025 13:50

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