Holi 2024: How to protect your eyes during Holi

To ensure a safe and enjoyable celebration, it is essential to follow some simple but effective eye care practices.

Dr. Mandeep Singh Basu, Director, Dr. Basu Eye Hospital, shares tips to protect your eyes during the festival of colors.

As the festival of colors, Holi, approaches, the air is filled with excitement and joy. It's a time to celebrate with friends and family, but amid all the colorful fun, it's crucial to protect our eyes from potential damage. The colors used during Holi contain chemicals that can cause irritation, redness and even serious damage to our eyes. To ensure a safe and enjoyable celebration, it is essential to follow some simple but effective eye care practices:

  1. Rinse immediately if colors come into contact with eyes.If colors accidentally get into your eyes, rinse them immediately with clean water. Delaying this step can lead to irritation and further complications. Always have clean water on hand while playing with colors.
  2. Use cold compresses for discomfortIf you feel any discomfort or irritation after playing Holi, use a cold compress on your eyes. This can help reduce inflammation and calm the eyes.
  3. Wear protective equipmentProtect your eyes from color splashes by wearing sunglasses. For added protection, especially for children, consider wearing swimming goggles.
  4. Avoid wearing contact lensesContact lenses can trap colors and cause irritation or damage to the cornea. It is safer to wear glasses while playing with colors.
  5. Choose Herbaceous or Eco-Friendly ColorsSynthetic colors contain harmful substances such as glass dust and lead oxide, which can damage your eyes. Opt for herbal or eco-friendly dyes made with natural ingredients to avoid eye complications.
  6. Play carefully, avoid aggressive playPlaying aggressively with colors, especially those induced with chemicals, can increase the risk of colors accidentally getting into the eyes. Play carefully to avoid this.
  7. Splash water, do not rub your eyesIf you get colors in your eyes, avoid rubbing them with colored hands as it can cause more damage. Instead, splash water into your eyes until the colors lighten and the irritation goes away.
  8. Apply oil for added protectionBefore playing Holi, apply a thick layer of oil or Vaseline around your eyes. Coconut oil is a good option because of its neutrality. This creates a protective barrier and helps colors fade before they enter the eyes.
  9. Keep your hair upTo prevent colors from dripping onto your face and possibly getting into your eyes, keep your hair, especially long hair, properly tied up. This simple step can ensure a safer and more comfortable Holi celebration.
  10. Avoid self-medicationIn case of irritation or if colors get into the eyes, refrain from using random eye drops or natural ingredients such as honey, milk or oil. Seek consultation with your nearest ophthalmologist to get the best treatment and avoid further damage to your eyes. By following these simple yet effective eye care practices, you will be able to enjoy a safe and vibrant Holi celebration without compromising the health of your eyes.

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