Holashtak 2024: Here's why these eight days are considered inauspicious

Holashtak will begin on March 17 and conclude on March 24.

During Holashtak, it is recommended not to buy new houses or movable or immovable properties like jewelery or cars.

Holashtak is an auspicious period of days before Holi that is celebrated with great enthusiasm by Hindu devotees and is accompanied by certain dos and don'ts. This year, Holi will be celebrated on March 25. Holashtak begins eight days before this festival. Holashtak begins with Falgun Shukla Paksha Ashtai and concludes with Falgun Shukla Paksha Purinma. It originates from the beginning of Ashtami date to the day of Holika Dahan.

According to certain religious beliefs, auspicious works do not give good results during Holashtak. Acharya Pradeep Lakheda, a resident of Chamoli, Uttarakhand, said that during Holashtak, many rituals like marriage, naming, housewarming and Mundan Sanskar are prohibited. Apart from this, Yagya and Havan should also not be performed during the Holashtak period.

According to Hindu beliefs, no investments or new businesses should be started during this period. Doing this is believed to increase the risk of loss. During Holashtak, it is also recommended not to buy new houses or movable or immovable properties like jewelery or cars, Acharya Pradeep Lakheda added. Furthermore, housing construction should not begin during this period either.

Pandit Lakheda added that according to legend, King Hiranyakashyap had fixed the full moon date of the month of Phalgun to kill his son Prahlad, who was a great devotee of Vishnu. Eight days before immersing his son in the fire, Hirankashyap tortured Prahlad many times. Prahlad went through so much suffering that he became a devotee of his father due to his feat, but even then he did not abandon the path of devotion to Lord Vishnu. After failing to break his devotion, Hirankashyap asked his sister Holika for help.

Holika was blessed with a special cloak from the deities that would make her immune to burns in fire. Hiranyakashyap ordered his sister to sit on the fire with Prahlad on her lap so that he would burn to death. Following her brother's orders, Holika sat by the fire with Prahlad on her lap. However, Prahlad prayed to Lord Vishnu to save him. As the flame surrounded the two, it is believed that the special fire protection cloak flew from Holika and covered Prahlad, thus saving the little boy while Holika was reduced to ashes. All these incidents occurred in those eight days, known as Holashtak. That is why all auspicious works are prohibited 8 days before Holi.

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