Heart attack or heartburn? Here's how to differentiate between the two

Heart attack pain is a diffuse feeling of discomfort throughout the body.

If the pain begins to subside after taking an antacid or drinking water, it is most likely due to heartburn.

It is a common misconception that heartburn or heartburn is a heart attack. While both can cause chest pain, it is important to understand the differences so you can seek appropriate medical care. Chest pain can be caused by a number of factors, which can be confusing for many people as you can't be sure if it indicates muscle pain, a heart attack or heartburn. But ignoring it can be dangerous. Heart attack pain is not a typical sharp pain, but rather a diffuse feeling of discomfort throughout the body. The pain usually starts in the chest and spreads to the jaw, neck, arms, and sometimes the back.

People who experience sudden chest pain often panic, but it is essential to understand how to differentiate heart attack pain from heartburn. One of the key indicators is how the discomfort responds to antacids and water. If the pain begins to decrease after taking an antacid or drinking water, it is more likely due to heartburn and not a heart attack. If there is no relief after taking antacids, it may indicate a heart problem that requires immediate medical attention.

According to Dr. Sanjeev Chaudhary, Clinical Director of Cardiology, Marengo Asia Hospitals, Gurugram, “Another important factor to consider is the relationship between physical exertion and pain. If pain or discomfort increases with physical activity, it is more likely related to the heart. This type of exertion-related pain is a common symptom of heart problems, including heart attacks. If the pain does not change with physical exertion, it is more likely that it is not of cardiac origin.”

Many people mistakenly attribute heart attack symptoms to heartburn and continue taking antacids, believing that the problem will cure itself. This difficulty in distinguishing between heart attack pain and heartburn causes a delay in treatment. This delay in receiving appropriate medical treatment can have serious consequences. It is essential to seek medical attention if there is any doubt about the nature of the pain. Recognizing these differences and responding promptly can save lives.

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