Harry will miss the Duke of Westminster's wedding while William attends as an usher

The Duke of Sussex will not attend the wedding of his close friend, the Duke of Westminster, next month, despite the groom being godfather to his son, Archie.

Hugh Grosvenor, 33, will marry Olivia Henson, 31, at Chester Cathedral on June 7.

Considered one of the richest men in Britain, Grosvenor will welcome the Prince of Wales as part of the groom's party.

However, according to recent reports, Prince Harry will not attend the ceremony in a bid to prevent royal tensions from overshadowing the day.

Grosvenor is godfather to Harry's first-born son, Archie, who turned five earlier this month. As a result, Harry's absence from the list of 400 guests is notable.

The King, who is Grosvenor's best man, will also not attend the wedding as he continues his cancer treatment.

The day before the wedding, the King will be in France with the Queen and Prince William to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.

Prince Harry and Hugh Grosvenor, the Duke of Westminster (Getty/Palestinian Authority)

The Princess of Wales is also not expected to attend the wedding, as she continues to receive cancer treatment following her health announcement in March.

According The timesGrosvenor has an inherited fortune of more than £10bn, with a property portfolio of 140,000 acres in Oxfordshire, Cheshire, Lancashire and Scotland, as well as 300 acres in Mayfair and Belgravia.

Grosvenor, known as “Hughie” to his friends, inherited the portfolio from his father, the late Duke, who died of a heart attack in 2016, aged 64.

The duke and his future wife, Henson, were introduced by mutual friends in 2021. They have insisted on a “strictly no-gifts policy” for their guests.

The Telegraph reports that sustainability will be a theme at the Grosvenor wedding, and that food, flowers and produce will be sourced locally.

After the celebrations, flowers will be donated to local charities and organizations.

Earlier this month, Harry returned to the UK to mark the 10th anniversary of the Invictus Games, but did not meet his father due to scheduling conflicts.

Harry and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, recently visited Nigeria on a three-day tour to mark further celebrations of the sporting event, which honors wounded and injured military veterans.

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