Guide on foods to include and avoid for rapid kidney repair

Kidney diseases can also be transmitted genetically.

Dr Vikram Kalra, Consultant Nephrologist, CK Birla Hospital, Delhi, shares the foods to include and avoid for kidney repair.

When it comes to kidney health, diet plays an important role in supporting kidney function and promoting kidney repair. Some of the foods that should be included and avoided for rapid kidney repair are:

Foods to include:

  1. Low phosphorus foodsHigh levels of phosphorus can overload the kidneys. Opt for low-phosphorus options, such as fresh fruits and vegetables and lean proteins such as chicken and fish.
  2. healthy fatsIncorporate sources of healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds and olive oil. These fats provide essential nutrients without overloading the kidneys.
  3. Low sodium foodsExcess sodium can raise blood pressure and overload the kidneys. Choose fresh herbs, spices, and lemon juice for flavor instead of salt.
  4. Fiber-rich foodsFoods high in fiber, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables, help maintain a healthy digestive system and may reduce the risk of kidney damage.
  5. quality proteinOpt for high-quality protein sources, such as eggs, fish, poultry, and plant-based proteins such as tofu and legumes. These options provide essential amino acids without overloading the kidneys with excess waste.

Foods to avoid:

  1. Foods rich in phosphorusLimit or avoid foods high in phosphorus, such as processed meats, dairy products, and carbonated drinks.
  2. Processed foodsProcessed foods often contain high levels of sodium, additives and preservatives, which can damage the kidneys. Choose fresh, whole foods whenever possible.
  3. Sugary foods and drinks.Excess sugar consumption can contribute to kidney damage and other health problems. Avoid snacks, desserts and sugary drinks.
  4. Foods rich in potassiumPeople with kidney problems may need to limit their potassium intake. Foods rich in potassium include bananas, potatoes, tomatoes, and citrus fruits.
  5. Alcohol and caffeineBoth alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate the body and affect kidney function. Limit alcohol consumption and opt for caffeine-free drinks or herbal teas. Incorporating these changes into your diet can support kidney health and promote repair. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian for personalized dietary recommendations based on individual health needs and medical history.

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