From selfishness to jealousy, traits that turn someone into a toxic friend

True friends who love us are like a pillar of support in life.

A person is not your friend if his speech is aimed at breaking your trust.

Friends are a valuable source of emotional and practical support in our lives. Research says that people blessed with good friendships experience less stress in life, which helps them have better physical and mental health. Relying on toxic friends can be harmful as they may not provide the proper mental support, empathy, or loyalty that one needs when feeling depressed. Today, let's look at the signs that show you should leave your toxic friendship.

  1. Treason: You should never trust a friend who breaks your promises and gossips behind your back; Refrain from sharing any information with them.
  2. Superior attitude: A person is not your friend if his speech is aimed at breaking your trust. As always they will think they are bigger than you. They will never appreciate your achievements.
  3. Argumentative: A person with a higher mentality likes to be in control during arguments. They don't always speak openly. His speech will cause a fight. Don't accept such people as friends.
  4. Constant Criticism: A person who criticizes you for no reason is not your friend. They will have an alternative opinion to anything you do. This type of criticism can undermine your confidence. That is why you have to stay away from this type of friendship.
  5. Selfishness: A selfish friend focuses only on their own needs and goals instead of things that are mutually beneficial to the friendship. Therefore, one should understand the trait and stay away from selfish friendships.
  6. Lack of support: You can't always expect support from a friend who doesn't have good will. No matter how difficult the situation they are in, they will ignore it. One will not receive help, even if he asks for it. That is why one should try to avoid these types of people in their life.
  7. Jealousy: Someone who doesn't want you to get close to other friends cannot be a good friend to you. But they always talk to other people and they don't want you to spend time with them. Their goal will be to isolate you from other friends.

True friends who love us are like a pillar of our lives. We need such valuable friendships forever in our lives. The help of good friends is essential, especially in times of failure and depression. Therefore, it is necessary to identify and keep aside those people who may always be doing things against us in the name of friends, and choose friends wisely.

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