From insomnia to extramarital affairs, 7 problems that married couples face in the absence of intimacy

Stress increases if there is no intimacy between husband and wife.

People who feel dissatisfied with their sexual needs and experience prolonged longing may eventually seek satisfaction through extramarital relationships.

Marriage is more than a simple contract for property and children. It is a permanent connection of mind and body between a man and a woman. When the couple is emotionally connected, their physical bond naturally strengthens. However, if there is no intimacy, it affects the marriage, causing consequences for both spouses. Here are 7 problems couples face in a sexless marriage.

Lack of anger management

Lack of marital intimacy between husband and wife can lead to a decrease in mental harmony, which could lead to increased anger in both spouses. When people do not experience emotional satisfaction, they may become more prone to unnecessary arguments and conflict.

Increased stress

Stress levels are likely to increase if there is a lack of intimacy between husband and wife, significantly affecting the mental health of the couple.

Lack of communication

Avoiding intimacy in marriage can make communication between couples difficult. You may refrain from expressing your true feelings to each other, keeping your happiness or sadness bottled up inside. This lack of openness can strain the relationship and prevent effective communication.

Kills self-confidence

Rejecting your spouse's advances can destroy your self-confidence, creating feelings of resentment and negatively affecting your morale.


Couples who enjoy satisfying sex often enjoy a restful night's sleep afterwards. However, if marital intimacy is lacking, insomnia can become a problem.

Greater use of social networks

Frustrated by unmet sexual needs, some people may turn to social media to hook up with strangers, while others may take it a step further and seek direct dates through dating apps.

extramarital affair

People who feel dissatisfied with their sexual needs and experience prolonged longing and suffering may eventually seek satisfaction through extramarital relationships. If their desires are not satisfied within their marriage, they may consider seeking satisfaction outside of it.

Sexual intimacy in marriage is as important as emotional love. Amid the daily challenges of married life, couples must prioritize their sexual relationship. However, discrepancies in sexual desire between couples can lead to intimacy problems. When one partner loses interest in sexual activities, it can cause great frustration and tension in the marriage.

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