From finances to family disputes, avoid discussing these 5 things with friends

Avoid discussing with friends the fights you have with your family or partner.

There is a possibility that our friends will use certain information to deceive us or even harm us if things get bad.

Friends are an important part of our lives, so much so that sometimes we need them to give us comfort and support. Although our friends can be our lifeline, there are certain things that should be kept secret, even from those closest to us. This is because there is a possibility that they will use our information to deceive us or even harm us. So, here is a list of things that should be kept secret from your friends. Let's take a look.

Economic details:

Most of our close or best friends are aware of the financial situation we are in. You should avoid going into details about your income or the economic aspects of your families. Discussing details about income, savings and debt should be avoided. Some of this might make them feel jealous.

Fight between a couple:

If you are in a relationship, even a marriage, you should avoid discussing the fights you have with your partners. Otherwise, there is a chance that friends will start interfering with our love life.

Family fights:

We should not discuss our family secrets with our friends; or topics such as fights and family disputes should not be discussed either. Our friends could end up losing respect for our family.

Office problems:

We all encounter problems at our workplace, which mostly irritate us. It would only last temporarily. If we share these problems with our friends, they could spread them to other people and you could get in trouble for sharing confidential information about your office.


One should avoid talking about the things that make them insecure, or the things that they are not sure about and have no confidence in. If our friends find out about these insecurities and weaknesses, they might try to use them against us, to influence or dominate.

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