From Bay Leaf to Garlic, 4 Common Kitchen Items That Keep Rodents Away

Rats don't like the smell of garlic.

Rodents are sensitive to some odors that repel them and can also keep them out of your home.

Dealing with a rat invasion in your home can be a distressing experience, given their destructive tendencies and potential health risks. While there are commercial rat traps and poisons available, opting for more humane and natural solutions from your kitchen pantry might be a preferable approach.

Rodents, such as rats, are repelled by certain odors, which can serve as effective deterrents to keep them out of your living space. Here are some household items that can help protect you from these unwanted pests:

Bay leaf:

Bay leaves, also known as tej patta, commonly used in cooking to enhance flavour, are believed to act as a natural deterrent to rodents. Placing them at entry or exit points in your home can help keep rats at bay.


With its strong and pungent aroma, onion serves as another effective remedy for rat problems. Simply cut a few pieces of onion and place them in various corners of your house to deter rats without causing damage to your property.


Known for its strong flavor and aroma, garlic is not liked by rats and can be used to scare them away from your home. Placing a few cloves of garlic at the entry and exit points can help keep rats away.

Kerosene oil:

Kerosene oil, also known as mitti ka tel, is known for its potent odor and irritating properties, particularly to the sensitive eyes of rats. By sprinkling a few drops around your home, especially near drains and trash cans, you can create a barrier that rats are unlikely to cross.

In case these home remedies prove ineffective and you are still dealing with a rat infestation, consider the age-old solution of keeping a pet cat. Cats, being natural predators of rats, can actively hunt them and discourage them from entering your home. Their mere presence can serve as a deterrent, as rats instinctively avoid areas inhabited by cats.

By employing these natural and humane methods, you can effectively address rat-related problems in your home while avoiding the use of traps or harmful chemicals. With a little patience and perseverance, you can create a rat-free environment and restore peace to your home.

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