Four cooking tricks from chef Sanjeev Kapoor for people new to the kitchen

You can make crunchy and delicious peanuts with the leftover dough.

From reusing leftover pakora batter to making sure chutney doesn't come out of the water after pulsing it in the mixer, check out these handy kitchen hacks.

Not everyone enjoys the art of cooking every day. For many, cooking is a necessary task. Many helpful articles and videos offer tips for making delicious food. Due to the lack of time and the rush in cooking, the food tastes normal. Apart from this, many times we don't know what to do with the leftovers and we end up throwing them away. But did you know that you can use leftover batter for pakoras and ensure that your chutney preparation does not leave any water behind? Celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor has shared some simple tricks on Instagram to make kitchen tasks easier. So what are these cooking tips and tricks that will make your job in the kitchen easier?

– This cooking tip is useful for those who do not enjoy cooking or have less time. According to chef Sanjeev Kapoor, soak dried red chillies in water for a while before grinding them in the blender. It will turn out a fine paste. Now it is ready to add it to any preparation you want.

– Generally, one of the most important ingredients in tomato soup is the tomato. This often makes the soup taste bitter. Chef Sanjeev Kapoor suggests adding carrots to the soup. According to him, this will reduce the acidity, give a beautiful color and add more nutrients to the dish. This healthy and comforting soup will brighten your day.

– If you like to make mint or coriander and mint chutney, consider adding peanuts to it before grinding it in the blender. It will not only enhance the flavor and increase the nutrients in the recipe but also prevent water formation in the chutney. The taste and texture of the chutney will also improve due to the addition of peanuts.

– The last tip the chef offered is that if you have leftover dough from the pakora you made at home, then you can reuse it. The leftover dough may taste a little different, but you can make peanut masala with it. Just add some red chili powder and peanuts. Mix everything, then heat the oil and fry it. You will find the taste of this quite crunchy and tasty. You can keep it in a container and offer it to guests as a snack with their drink.

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