Father sends sweet text to daughter after seeing her break up

Most people have experienced a breakup at some point, and one father is going viral for the advice he gave his daughter after seeing her break up in the driveway.

Fallon Thompson recently took to TikTok to share a lengthy text message from her father, Scott, following a breakup. “POV: They just left you in the driveway and your dad saw everything,” she reads the text on the screen with a photo of Fallon crying.

The TikTok went on to show three screenshots of the message his dad sent him. The message began with him explaining that he had numerous relationships in his life before meeting his mother. “I can say with certainty that when I met her, she was instantly different,” he wrote.

“I can also say that I knew I was different because I went through those other experiences.”

The message continued, mentioning that certain events happen for a reason and will always lead you to the person you are meant to become and even, eventually, the person you are meant to break up with.

“Even though at the time I was heartbroken and felt like I could never recover and was destined to be alone, I promise you, that is not your future,” Scott assured his daughter.

“When someone [lets] “You know you are not for them, deal with the pain knowing that this person has just given you back the most valuable thing in the world: your time,” he described as the “best advice” he could give him.


The message ended with a story about a cow and a bull. Scott explained that when both animals are thrown into a storm, they handle it differently. A cow will run away from it and end up torturing herself more with the storm following her, but a bull will charge into the storm which is painful at first but is able to endure it and make it to the other side.

“So be the bull and lean into your storm, embrace the suction and let it fill you. You are strong enough to endure and very soon you will be at peace,” his text concludes.

Shortly after it was posted, TikTok received over 18 million views and many people left comments about how sweet Scott's gesture was.

“I'm legitimately SOBBING your dad doesn't even realize it but I think he helped heal a lot more girls than just his own,” one comment read.

Another commenter agreed, writing, “I think your dad just healed my broken heart.”

“As someone whose parents said ZERO about love and relationships, this is some of the strongest and most well-articulated advice. Anyway, I'm sorry for your pain,” wrote a third commenter.

Fallon later revealed in an interview with Good morning america that it wasn't just her father who helped her during the breakup, but her entire family. Although she told them how much her message had meant to her.

“After I read the first sentence, I thought, 'Oh, this is something my heart needed,'” she said. “I think he knew at that moment that I just needed some uplifting words.”

“It was one of those text messages that are so sweet it makes you want to cry,” she continued. “So I cried a little and thought, 'Wow, regardless of where my relationships take me in life, I know I'll always have my dad and my family.' That's the most important thing for me.”

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