Expert Tip: Never Make These Serum Mistakes on behalf of the Dermatologist

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase the effectiveness of your skincare routine, ensuring you get the maximum benefit from your products.

Incorporating serums into your daily skincare routine can significantly improve your skin and offer targeted treatment for various concerns.

Adding serums to your daily skincare routine can greatly improve your skin, providing targeted treatment for various issues. However, using it in the right way and in the required amount is essential to achieve the correct effect on the skin. Dr Ipshita Johri, Dermatology and Aesthetic Consultant, Laser Specialist and Founder of Skinfinity Derma, shares some common mistakes to avoid, as advised by dermatologists:

  1. Skip the patch testBefore adding a new serum to your skincare routine, always perform a patch test. Apply a small amount of serum behind your ears or on your wrist and see if you have any type of allergic reaction.
  2. Incorrect application of serumSerums should be applied only after cleansing the skin and before applying moisturizer. Take the appropriate amount of serum prescribed by your dermatologist, a larger or smaller amount may affect the effectiveness of the serum.
  3. Use of inconsistencyTo get the correct effect from serums, it is important to know how long you need to use them, depending on your skin problem your dermatologist will recommend using them. Be consistent with the dosage to get the full result.
  4. Ignore sun protectionThere are many active ingredients like AHA, BHA, and retinoids that can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. It is essential to apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen during the day to protect the skin from harmful UV rays, which can negate the benefits of the serum.
  5. Regardless of skin typeBuying serums simply by watching commercials and not understanding what your skin type and concern is can cause more harm than good. For example, if you have oily skin and you are using a serum that is not suitable for oily skin, it may clog your pores and cause breakouts. Selection of serum according to your skin type and concern is very important.
  6. Impatient with the resultsSkin care is a long-term commitment, you may not see results in a few days. Most serums take several weeks and months to show noticeable improvement. You must be patient and give the product time to work.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can increase the effectiveness of your skincare routine, ensuring you get the most benefit from your products. Always follow your dermatologist to get the best and most personalized treatment.

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