Expert suggests the vitamins you need to overcome damaged hair

These vitamins help with hair loss and strengthening.

Nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee spoke about the important vitamins to take to have healthy hair protected from damage.

Itchy hair, oily hair and dandruff are common hair problems faced by millions of people. If not taken care of, it could lead to baldness, something no one wants. So, nutritionist Anjali Mukherjee took to her official Instagram account to talk about the important vitamins to take to have healthy hair protected from damage.

She writes: “Hair is a very sensitive topic for all men and women alike.” She added, “Hair problems also include thinning hair, weak hair, split ends, limp and lifeless hair, itchy scalp, dandruff, etc.” According to her, these six vitamins are essential for hair care, these are the B complex group, biotin, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C and vitamin B.

Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, helps in the production of keratin, an element that enhances the growth of follicles. It is found in egg yolk, peanuts, almonds and soybeans.

Vitamin A is excellent for the production of sebum, a substance that keeps the scalp hydrated. It is found in products such as fish liver oil, carrots and spinach.

Vitamin E helps a lot with hair loss. It also nourishes the scalp, blood circulation and dryness. It can be found in wheat germ oil and nuts.

Vitamin C is necessary when our body goes through an electronic imbalance, which can cause hair loss. So, for that, the best remedy is vitamin C. You can consume citrus fruits and vegetables to meet your needs.

B vitamins like B12 are very good for conditioning and strengthening hair. They can be obtained from legumes, eggs, nuts, avocados, meat and leafy vegetables.

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