Excess sugar to processed meats, avoid these foods to keep your kidney healthy

Lifestyle changes can save our kidneys from damage.

Sodium increases blood pressure and puts even more pressure on already weakened kidneys.

The kidneys are the filtering unit of the body. They filter harmful objects and substances from the body. A well-functioning kidney can ensure a good quality of life. They are important for the rest of the organs in our body to function well. Due to our poor lifestyle, our kidneys often suffer the effects. According to experts, lifestyle changes can save our kidneys from damage. They can also help restore damaged kidney and improve its function. Here are some foods to avoid to keep your kidneys healthy.

Foods rich in sodium: Sodium increases blood pressure and puts even more pressure on already weakened kidneys. You can help the fluid retention process in your body by reducing salt consumption. It also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease.

Foods rich in potassium: Excess potassium can cause abnormal heart rhythms. The kidneys have to work harder to excrete potassium, especially in patients with advanced kidney disease. Bananas, oranges and potatoes are high in potassium and therefore should be consumed in moderation by people with kidney disease.

Phosphorus-rich foods: Poorly functioning kidneys have difficulty regulating phosphorus levels. This causes weak bones and skin irritation. Dairy products, nuts, and processed foods are high in phosphorus and should be avoided by people with kidney disease.

Processed meats: Processed meats contain a lot of extra sodium and harmful substances such as phosphates that accelerate kidney damage. So choose lean meats if possible and make sure they are fresh.

Sugary foods: Eating too much sugar can make diabetes worse. It can also worsen chronic kidney disease. Natural sugar should be consumed in moderation and sugary drinks should be avoided.

Caffeine and alcohol: Both dehydrate the body and put a strain on the kidneys. Therefore, avoid caffeine and alcohol as much as possible to maintain kidney function.

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