Easy Tomato Jam Recipe to Upgrade Your Breakfast Menu

Can't wait to try it? Keep reading.

From choosing a bowl of cereal to the quintessential combination of bread and jam, the options are endless.

Morning breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. From choosing a bowl of cereal to the quintessential combination of bread and jam, the options are endless. And, to spice up your menu, we have a jam recipe. So, what are you waiting for? Keep reading.

The ingredients needed to make tomato jam are:

Tomatoes: 1kg

Green chilies: 2

Sugar: 1/4kg

Salt: 1/4 tablespoon

Cardamom powder: a pinch

Butter: 2 tablespoons

Crust: 1



Add enough water and tomatoes to a container and let it boil. Now drain the water and let the tomatoes cool.

Now, peel the tomatoes. Put it in a jar with two green chillies and salt and grind it. Now, use a filter paper to strain it. Add the grated tomato paste to a pan.

In this step let it cook. Tip: Wait until it smells good.

After boiling well, add sugar and cardamom to the paste.

Put ghee in a saucepan and add cashews to it.

You can serve it hot as a dip or store it in a glass jar.


If the tomatoes are ripe and red, the jam will have a good color. If the color of the tomato is too light, you can also add a little red color.

Do not add water while grinding the tomatoes. Adding water will take longer to thicken the jam.

If the paste is watery and takes a long time to thicken, you can mix cornstarch with water.

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