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Drew Barrymore told Meghan Markle about the moment he met Prince Harry, Princess Diana, during the appearance of the Duchess of Sussex in her interview program on Thursday.
Meghan joined Barrymore in his CBS homonymous interview program to discuss his new Netflix series, With love, Meghan.
During the conversation, Barrymore talked about Harry and the “extraordinary things” he has passed. She revealed that when she was a child, she met her late mother, who died in a car accident in 1997.
“He has left the other side. I admire some rebellion. I also have some. I think it's so amazing. I have been a suber fan, and I don't know him at all, but looking as we have seen it, “he explained.” I met his mother when he was seven years old. ”
“I didn't know,” Sussex's Duchess replied before Barrymore said he had a photo of the interaction.
“I have to take a photo to be able to show [Harry]”Meghan added.
Barrymore continued describing his sweet memory with the late Royal and how he is linked to his iconic role in the 1982 film Et the extraterrestrial.
“It's me presenting an ET doll. And it was one of the most special moments of my life, ”he said. “And I loved her a lot. And I think his world. “
Meghan replied saying that “life is full of surprises.”
“I didn't expect to meet H and this was our love story,” he said. “And, you know, I'm very lucky. I am married to the most fun, sweet and charming man.
“I mean, he is all the things you are describing. And he is an incredible father. And then, you know, I tell my blessings because I have it, and I also have a partner that supports me a lot, ”he concluded.
He Drew Barrymore Show The episode marks the first time the first Costumes Star has been publicly presented with his real title as his last name.
During the show, Meghan continued to open about his home life with Harry in California, along with his son, Archie, and his three -year -old daughter, Lilibet.
“I always make it a point where I travel, if I can't make stories before bedtime … I will always pack a really thin book and record my video by reading it,” he said. “Then, whoever is with them or dad can say: 'Here is mom reading her history of bedtime.”
He also revealed which Archie and Lillibet traits have inherited from Harry. “Oh, some of the words that still say with British accent,” he said. “They have very American accents, but they say words that are like him, and I think it is adorable. Zebra is good. “
In his Instagram history on Tuesday, he celebrated an important milestone for his program, since he is currently the fifth most popular show in Netflix in the United States as of March 6.
“For more recipes, fun and reasons for 'mmmm', see the program, that in just 24 hours it is already in the top 10!” She wrote. “Thanks to all of you around the world you are tune in!”
Despite the MEGHAN Instagram publication, his program has received scathing criticism. In his review of a star, IndependentKatie Rosseinsky called the show “Teasy and exhausting.”
“The only tea that is spilled here is made with fresh mint collected from the Garden of Meghan, or a mixture that contains allergies that contains turmeric and pepper of cayenne that combines [longtime makeup artist Daniel] Martin, “he wrote.
She concluded: “The intoxicating mixture of aesthetic healing, real inspiring and those inescapable edible flowers could make you feel a bit dizzy, or simply exhausted before the perspective of having to adequately fulfill for all the reflective touches involved in the” Meghan “Guest Experience”.