Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan's Death Anniversary: ​​15 Inspirational Quotes From Former President

published by: Nibandh Vinod

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Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan received the Bharat Ratna award in 1984. (Image: Shutterstock)

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the first Vice President and second President of independent India. As a prominent teacher, he was instrumental in improving the education system of India.

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was a distinguished statesman, philosopher, lecturer, scholar and a great orator. His ideas continue to influence the current generation. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was the first Vice President and second President of independent India. As a prominent teacher, he was instrumental in improving the education system of India. He also represented India at UNESCO (1946-52).

Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was also awarded the British Royal Order of Merit in 1963 and the Bharat Ratna in 1984. Furthermore, he also received many nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize. Today, April 17, marks the anniversary of his death. As we remember Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, let's read some of the motivational quotes from him.

Inspirational Quotes by Dr. Radhakrishnan to Cheer You Up

  1. The primary function of a university is not to award degrees and diplomas but to develop the university spirit and promote learning. The first is impossible without corporate life, the second without honors and postgraduate degrees.
  2. The final product of education should be a free and creative man, who can fight against historical circumstances and the adversities of nature.
  3. A life of joy and happiness is only possible on the basis of knowledge and science.
  4. True teachers are those who help us think for ourselves.
  5. True religion is a revolutionary force: it is an inveterate enemy of oppression, privilege and injustice.
  6. God lives, feels and suffers in each of us, and with the passage of time, his attributes, knowledge, beauty and love will be revealed in each of us.
  7. Books are the means by which we build bridges between cultures.
  8. Tolerance is the tribute that the finite mind pays to the inexhaustibility of the infinite.
  9. True teachers are those who help us think for ourselves.
  10. When we think we know, we stop learning.
  11. It is not God who is worshiped but the authority who claims to speak in His name. Sin becomes disobedience to authority, not a violation of integrity.
  12. Knowledge gives us power; love gives us fulfillment.
  13. It takes centuries to make a little history; It takes centuries of history to create a tradition.
  14. Discontent with the real is the necessary precondition of all moral change and spiritual rebirth.
  15. The worst sinner has a future, just as the greatest saint has had a past. Nobody is as good or as bad as they imagine.

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