Do you know that a broom can improve your financial situation? Check out these Vastu tips

According to Vastu, the broom should not be kept in the puja room, kitchen or bedroom.

It is recommended to keep brooms out of sight, away from the sight of guests and in a horizontal resting position at home for financial well-being.

Vastu Shastra, an ancient science developed for the construction of homes and workplaces, emphasizes the balance of positive and negative energies within a home. Even seemingly mundane objects like brooms play a crucial role in maintaining the aesthetics and energy of your residence, according to Vastu principles.

According to Vastu, improper storage of brooms at home can invite negative energies into the home, affecting various aspects of life such as health, wealth and relationships.

In Vastu Shastra, it is recommended to place brooms and mops in the northwest or west corner of the house, avoiding placing them in the northeast or southeast directions. Placing them in the latter direction is believed to displease Goddess Lakshmi, which could lead to financial problems. Additionally, it is recommended to keep brooms out of sight of guests and in a horizontal resting position. Storing them vertically or upside down is believed to disrupt financial harmony.

Certain areas inside the house, such as the puja room, kitchen and bedroom, are considered inauspicious for placing brooms, according to Vastu principles.

Pandit Rishikant Mishra Shastri, an expert on the subject, states that cleanliness is essential to invite the prosperity and blessings of Goddess Lakshmi. According to Hindu beliefs, lack of cleanliness in the home is believed to prevent divine blessings.

Merchants also maintain certain beliefs regarding the sale of brooms, avoiding transactions after sunset and on specific days such as Sunday and Tuesday. Additionally, it is recommended not to sweep immediately after someone leaves the house, as this action is believed to increase the likelihood of accidents involving that person.

Vastu Shastra offers guidelines not only for architectural design but also for the placement and use of everyday objects like brooms. By adhering to these principles, people seek to maintain harmony and positivity within their living spaces, promoting overall well-being and prosperity.

Adhering to Vastu principles regarding the placement and use of brooms reflects a cultural and spiritual belief system intended to create harmonious living environments.

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