Dental expert shares best treatments for root infection

Untreated toothaches increase the risk of developing gum disease.

Dr. Gunita Singh, BDS, MD, cosmetic and laser dental surgeon, shares the best treatment options for tooth root infection.

Our tooth is divided into crown and root. Although we cannot see the root structure because it is covered by the gum, the base of our tooth is larger than the crown and just as important as the crown structure.

Sometimes a patient comes to the clinic with pain, it can be both acute and chronic.

When examined the tooth looks perfect but when we take an x-ray the root is infected. What do we do in such a case? What are the treatment modalities?

The best treatments for root infections are:

  1. The most commonly performed/suggested is ROOT CANAL TREATMENT. It is one of the safest and most commonly performed treatments in the dental office where, under local anesthesia, the infected root pulp is removed; The canals are cleaned and then filled with artificial filling materials. Just like a tooth bypass surgery that gives new life to the tooth, it should always be concluded with the cap to give the tooth the necessary strength. Most of the time it is a single session procedure, but sometimes it can be 2 to 4 sessions depending on the infection.
  2. Laser root disinfection.The roots can be disinfected with the help of lasers. Laser is one of the newest and best technologies in dentistry and Dr. Gunita Singh of Dentem specializes in lasers from the University of Vienna. If the infection is minimal, laser disinfection is one of the best options. We perform a minimal procedure that is less bleeding, less painful, and the tooth recovers over time. Sometimes this procedure can also be used in coordination with root canal treatment. It works wonderfully as a combination.
  3. Root planning and curettage.This is another procedure to disinfect the roots or pockets formed between the gums and the roots. This is a surgical procedure that is performed in certain cases where the root infection is greater in the periodontal area than within the root. It is done in four sessions, 1 quadrant at a time. The results are good if oral hygiene and aftercare are taken care of.
  4. apicoectomyThis treatment modality is used in extreme situations where the root tip is completely damaged and we can see a periapical infection at the root tip. This can only be seen on an x-ray. In this case, the apical tip of the tooth root is surgically removed and then reconstructed with filling materials. To conclude, it is now possible to save your tooth successfully with all of these new techniques regardless. that the infection is in the tooth or crown. Gone are the days when the tooth was simply extracted in case of a root infection.

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