Congenital heart disease: symptoms that parents should not overlook in their children

Children can tire easily and show signs of weakness with even minimal activity.

Dr. Deepak Thakur, Consultant Pediatric Cardiology, Paras Health Gurugram, shares how parents should not overlook the symptoms of congenital heart disease in their children.

Congenital heart disease (CHD) refers to heart problems present from birth and affecting between 8 and 10 in every 1,000 live births worldwide. Their severity varies, from unnoticed conditions to critical conditions requiring immediate intervention. Coronary heart disease is often identified in early childhood or before birth through routine ultrasound examinations, allowing healthcare professionals to plan postpartum care. Newborns with coronary heart disease may present different symptoms.

Parents should watch for these signs in their children:

  1. CyanosisA bluish tint to the skin, lips, or nails indicates low oxygen levels in the blood, revealing inefficient oxygen pumping by the heart.
  2. Difficulty breathingChildren may breathe rapidly, especially during activities, suggesting inadequate oxygen supply.
  3. FatigueChildren can tire easily and show signs of weakness with even minimal activity.
  4. Excessive sweatingSweating, especially after eating or physical activity, can compensate for the heart's reduced ability to pump blood.
  5. Poor growth and feedingDifficulty feeding can lead to inadequate growth due to compromised heart function.
  6. Respiratory problemsCoronary heart disease increases the likelihood of respiratory infections or a persistent cough, indicating an underlying heart condition.
  7. Swelling (edema)Unexplained swelling in the face, legs, or abdomen may indicate heart failure. A doctor may detect a heart murmur during an exam, suggesting a congenital heart problem, prompting further testing. Tests such as echocardiography, x-rays, and ECGs evaluate the structure and function of the heart.

    Recent advances in pediatric cardiology allow the identification of cardiac problems before birth using a fetal echocardiogram between 16 and 24 weeks. Early detection allows for appropriate management and treatment planning, significantly improving outcomes for affected babies.

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