Can salt water eliminate armpit odor? Experts debunk the myth

It is necessary to consult an expert before adopting any skin care practice.

Body odor can be a source of embarrassment and discomfort for many.

Sweating is a common problem that many people face, especially in summer. Sweaty armpits can cause body odor during this time. It is a source of shame and discomfort for many. There are multiple remedies to combat the problem of bad armpit odor. People even use many Ayurvedic remedies and prescription medications to combat the problem. A dermatologist, Dr. Aparajita Lamba, shares a simple solution. According to her, applying salt water or salt to your armpits twice a day can help eliminate the odor. She also suggested other ways. We'll see.

Dr. Aparajita Lamba, in her recent Instagram post, shared her unique way to eliminate underarm odor. In the title of the post, she shared her customs. The title reads: “Simple step-by-step routine: 1. Wash with Benzac gel during shower (apply and rinse after 60 seconds, 2. Numis Med Deo Roll On twice a day, 3. Use salt water to rub underarms ). twice daily”.

Dermatologist and cosmetologist at Shareefa Skin Care Clinic, Dr. Shareefa Chause, shared her opinion related to the claim in an interview. She warned that not everyone should pursue using salt water to remove underarm odor as it can cause harmful effects on some skin types. She explained: “Although salt has antibacterial properties that help eliminate that unpleasant body odor by killing some of the bacteria, it may not be suitable for everyone and can cause allergic reactions such as burning sensations, redness and itching. “Every person has a different skin type and what suits one person may not work for another.”

Salt has been shown to cause skin irritation. It causes redness and sensitivity problems in certain skin types. Using salt water may cause some irritation to some people. Using certain remedies without consulting a doctor can cause harmful effects such as dryness and eczema.

To address the problem properly, Dr. Chause said in an interview, “Rubbing salt or applying salt water will not be able to eliminate armpit odor that arises due to the mixture of sweat and bacteria. It is the need of the hour to follow good hygiene practices like showering regularly, using chemical-free products prescribed by the dermatologist and using underarm roll-ons with antiperspirant properties.”

He urged people to consult experts and make informed decisions when it comes to home remedies for skin care.

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