Can dancing after eating cause a heart attack? A doctor explains

Bad eating habits and stress increase the risk of stroke.

Sometimes working hard, dancing or running creates a sudden pressure on the heart.

A Delhi police commissioner recently suffered a sudden heart attack while dancing at a retirement party and died before he could be taken to the hospital. Dancing is a healthy activity, so why did this happen to him? Professor Padmashree Dr Nitish Nayak of the Department of Cardiology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi explains a few things that are associated with a sudden heart attack or cardiac arrest. Dr Nayak says that people's lifestyles are changing. Bad eating habits and stress further increase the risk. Sometimes hard work, dancing or running create sudden pressure on the heart, which can lead to a sudden blood clot or blockage in the heart and increases the risk of sudden cardiac arrest.

Dr Nitish Nayak said that you must have seen many videos of people dying of heart attacks while dancing at weddings and parties. When one eats something, the blood circulation i.e. blood flow is concentrated more in the stomach. This reduces the total amount of blood accumulated in the body. This means that at that time the blood supply to the heart decreases a little. If you perform a more strenuous activity like dancing or running in such a situation, the heart has to work harder to increase blood circulation and provide energy. Due to the sudden pressure on the heart, it fails.

Another reason for the risk of heart attack or cardiac arrest after eating is that insulin production increases to convert food into energy. More oxygen is needed for this process. To provide more oxygen, blood pressure must be increased. High blood pressure puts more strain on the heart. This damages the function of the endothelium, the inner wall of the arteries. As a result, the risk of blood clots in the arteries increases, and blood clots increase the risk of heart attack.

Sometimes sudden cardiac arrest occurs even in people who are not aware of their heart condition. Often people are not aware of their blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems. Sometimes they ignore some symptoms even if they see them, they have one or the other weakness, so a mountain of diseases falls on them and cases like sudden cardiac arrest come to light.

The doctor advises not only dancing, but also avoiding any strenuous physical activity after eating. Even walking, exercising or any other strenuous work should be avoided for at least half an hour after eating.

People should have their blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol, i.e. lipid profile, checked regularly. This way, future crises can be avoided. People with heart problems should take special precautions. In addition to improving their lifestyle, efforts should be made to avoid stress and to engage in daily physical activity.

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