Can beer cure kidney stones? Expert debunks the myth

Drinking beer can cause severe dehydration in the body.

Doctors warn against adopting this unreliable method as it poses many risks.

Millions of people around the world suffer from kidney stones every year. According to a report by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), more than 12 percent of the total population of India suffers from the problem of kidney stones. A person with this disease suffers many discomforts and health problems. As many clamor for treatment, the importance of preventive measures and medical connection is often ignored. One such claim is that drinking beer cures kidney stones. Dr Ankit Goel, HOD – Urology, Andrology and Uro-oncology at MASSH, Delhi, says that drinking beer can cure kidney stones is a popular myth. Drinking beer can cause excessive urination, so it is believed that it can clear stones. Doctors warn against adopting this unreliable method as it poses many risks. Beer has several side effects. Let's take a look at them.


Drinking beer can cause severe dehydration in the body. The risk of dehydration increases in hot weather. Long-term consumption of beer increases oxalate in the body, since this drink contains a high oxalate content. It is one of the common factors of kidney stones. Beer is also high in calories, which will also help you gain weight. It is an important factor in the formation of kidney stones. Opt for hydrating drinks like water, citrus juices, and coconut water to maintain kidney health and prevent the formation of painful kidney stones.

Dangerous for the liver

Beer contains alcohol, so it poses a threat to liver health when consumed in excess. Even if small kidney stones are passed by drinking beer, the damage to the liver from drinking it is even greater. Medications and pills can be used as a safer alternative to drinking beer to pass kidney stones. It works better than beer to eliminate kidney stones. If there are likely to be small stones stuck in the ureter, in most cases they will disappear on their own within 15 days. If it does not go away, it is best to seek medical attention immediately.

You can protect your kidney health by focusing on non-alcoholic beverages to keep your body hydrated and seeking medical attention immediately when necessary.

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