Buttermilk with Honey, 6 Homemade Ingredients to Use in Gardening

Different homemade ingredients can be used as fertilizers for your garden.

There are many expensive fertilizers on the market, but they can put a dent in your pocket.

Whether you're a plant parent or just want to show off a nice garden to neighbors and guests, the art of gardening comes with a number of challenges. Poor growth due to poor compost or problems caused by pests are some of the problems that many people face. There are many expensive fertilizers on the market, but they can put a dent in your pocket. Therefore, it is always economical and time-saving to look for homemade ingredients to properly fertilize your garden. Let us list some everyday household items that you can use and watch your garden flourish.

Buttermilk – In cases where plants face problems such as mold, dampness or shrinkage, an effective solution involves the use of buttermilk. To address these issues, create a solution by diluting buttermilk with water. Transfer this mixture to a spray bottle and apply it by spraying the plants. This method is beneficial to maintain the health of the plants.

Soapy water: Soapy water is also beneficial for plants. This eliminates insects such as mealybugs, caterpillars and aphids from the plants. To do this, dissolve 4-5 tablespoons of liquid soap or hand soap in 5 liters of water. Now spray it on the plants. This will prevent insects from growing on the plants.

Aspirin: Many people use aspirin tablets to relieve pain, but aspirin can also be used to protect plants from disease. To implement this method, dissolve aspirin in water and spray it on the plants. Also, mix this aspirin solution with the soil. By incorporating this approach on a monthly basis, plants are less likely to succumb to damage or disease.

Epsom Salt: Epsom salt stimulates plant growth. It is used as medicine in many homes. You can take the help of Epsom salt to increase the growth of tomato, brinjal, chilli and rose plants. Mix 2 teaspoons of Epsom salt in 10 liters of water and sprinkle it on the plants. This will make the plants grow faster.

Honey: Gardening enthusiasts often graft plants to propagate new ones from the branches. Honey can be a useful aid in this process. Prepare a solution by boiling honey in 2 cups of water and then let it cool. Dip the cut branch into this honey-infused water and plant it in soil or sand. This method promotes rapid root development, facilitating the growth of a new plant.

Coconut water: You can use coconut water to keep plants healthy. Coconut water is rich in nutrients, it acts as a tonic for plants. Mix 100 ml of coconut water in 5 liters of water and pour it over the plants.

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