Buddha Purnima 2024: Rituals to follow on this auspicious day

Lord Buddha was born on the day of Vaishakh Purnima.

People of the Hindu religion consider Gautama Buddha to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

Buddha Purnima is considered very important in Sanatana Dharma. According to the Hindu calendar, the festival of Buddha Purnima is celebrated every year on the full moon date of the month of Vaishakh. According to belief, Gautama Buddha was also born on this day. Lord Buddha also attained enlightenment on this day. Therefore, this day is very important for people who believe in Buddhism and Hinduism. People of the Hindu religion consider Gautama Buddha to be the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. According to astrological calculations, many auspicious coincidences will be created on the day of Buddha Purnima in the year 2024. If you follow some rituals during these auspicious periods, you can get benefits.

Ayodhya-based astrologer Pandit Kalki Ram shared that according to the Hindu calendar, the festival of Buddha Purnima is celebrated on the full moon date of the Vaishakh month. This year, this festival will be celebrated on May 23 and Shivayoga will be held from 12:11 pm on that day to 11:22 am the next day. On this day, Jupiter, Venus and Sun are also creating Trigrahi Yoga. Due to the conjunction of Jupiter and the sun, Guru Aditya Yoga will also be present on this day. Gaja Lakshmi and Venus Aditya Yoga will also be present on this day. The work done in these auspicious yogas will be very beneficial.

1. According to religious belief, on the day of full moon, Goddess Lakshmi resides in the Peepal tree. So if you keep something sweet under the peepal tree on the day of Buddha Purnima and offer water to it, then special blessings of Goddess Lakshmi will fall. One can gain more wealth.

2. Moon Puja is also said to have a special significance. On this day of Buddha Purnima, one should give rice mixed with milk and sugar and offer it to the moon. Doing this is said to alleviate financial problems.

3. If you have problems related to money, do the remedy related to the 10 cowries on the day of Buddha Purnima. On this day, 10 cowries should be offered in worship to Goddess Lakshmi. Along with this, turmeric tilak should be applied to Goddess Lakshmi and after that worship should be performed according to the rituals. These cowries should be tied to a red cloth and kept in a safe place. By doing this, one gets relief from all money related problems.

4. If you want to strengthen the position of the moon in the horoscope, then on that day, before work, stay in the moonlight for at least 15 minutes. During this time, worship Lord Shiva. By doing this, all wishes will come true.

5. If you do yoga meditation in Shiva yoga on the day of Buddha Purnima, by doing so, the repressed power awakens, knowledge also opens up and one gets success in all fields.

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