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Renée Zellweger and Hugh Grant has a long time gathered at the premiere of Bridget Jones: Crazy for the boyMore than two decades after the first installment of the films series.
Fans had anxiously waiting for the fourth film since it was announced last year, when it was confirmed that Zellweger would repeat their role as the headline and perpetually single Bridget Jones and Hugh Grant would return as Daniel Cleaver.
It was also announced that Leo Woodall and Chiwetel Ejiofor would appear in the film.
The first film in the series, Bridget Jones DiaryIt was released in 2001. It was based on the 1996 book of the same name by Independent Columnistthelen Fielding. The book not only sold 15 million copies, but also gave birth to a British icon.
Aftermath Bridget Jones: The edge of reason and Bridget Jones baby Followed in 2004 and 2016, with the three films together raising more than $ 760 million worldwide.
At the premiere, Zellweger wore a black -shoulder lace dress from Saint Laurent by Anthony Vaccarello, while Grant kept him simple with a black suit and a white shirt with buttons, almost identical to the appearance that led to the first premiere.

According to an official synopsis, the new film, based on the Book of Fielding 2013, will see Bridget Jones navigate “life as a single widow and single mother with the help of her family, friends and former lover Daniel. Back to work and in Applications is persecuted by a younger man and perhaps, only perhaps, her child's science teacher. “
Mark Darcy fans of Colin Firth have reasons to be upset when he appears briefly in the trailer, which explained that with his death, now there was only in Jones's memories.
Grant, who did not appear in The edge of reasondescribed the script as “good and moving” in an appearance in The Graham Norton show But he added that he was “crowded” even though there was no obvious role “for him.
Recently, Zellweger opened his reason to go to an acting parenthesis from 2010 to 2016, saying that the work was felt as a “regurgitation of the same emotional experiences.”
“I was fed up with the sound of my own voice,” he said British fashion. “When I was working, I thought, 'Oh, my God, listen. Are you sad again, Renée? Oh, is this your crazy voice? It was a regurgitation of the same emotional experiences. “

But she stayed busy during her break. “I wrote music and studied international law. I built a house, rescued a couple of larger puppies, created an association that led to a production company, advocated and raised funds with a sick friend, and spent a lot of time with relatives and godchildren and drove throughout the country with the dogs, “He explained.” I got healthy. “
Bridget Jones: Crazy for the boy It will be launched in theaters internationally on February 12, 2025 and will be available to transmit in Peacock in the United States as of February 13, 2025.