Bride Uninvites Her Sister's Wedding After She Sent Fake Wedding Invitations

It's common for brothers to play pranks on each other, but one woman debates whether a prank has gone too far or not.

In a recent Reddit post shared in the popular “Am I the Asshole?” subreddit, a bride recounted a prank her sister Jenny played on her, which resulted in her not being invited to the wedding entirely.

The girlfriend noted that Jenny was known for her pranks before and that they are usually “harmless.” However, she said that she considered the wedding prank had gone “too far.”

“He decided it would be fun to send fake wedding invitations to a bunch of our family and some of my friends, saying the wedding was going to be a 'casual backyard barbecue' and that everyone should bring a dish to share.” the post said.

She wrote that she only found out about the prank when a relative called her and asked what “dish” to bring. This led the bride to see the fake invitation she sent to her loved ones.

“My real wedding is a formal event at a nice venue and I couldn't believe Jenny thought it was okay to send these fake invitations,” the post continued.

When Jenny was confronted about the joke, her sister said she just laughed and told her that the real invitations would be sent out soon. “I told him it wasn't funny and that it had caused a lot of confusion and stress. She apologized, but I realized she didn't really see what the problem was,” her girlfriend detailed in her Reddit post.

“After thinking it through, I decided that I don't want her at my wedding. I don't trust her not to pull another trick and I don't want to spend my wedding day worrying about what she might do. I told her this and she went crazy, saying that I was overreacting and that she was just trying to have fun. “My parents are also upset with me and say it is cruel to exclude my sister from such an important event,” the bride-to-be wrote.

Her post concluded by wondering if she was too harsh in banning her sister from attending her wedding.

Many people quickly took to the comments section to agree that the prank wasn't funny and that her parents were wrong to take Jenny's side.

“Jokes aren't funny,” one comment began. “When you are making fun of someone and that person is NOT laughing, that is not a joke. That's harassment. She hurt you and betrayed your trust. Her intentions don't matter. Her actions caused harm and that has consequences. Your parents are wrong to dismiss your feelings. It's not okay for them to prioritize their feelings over yours when it comes to YOUR wedding.

“You don't need anyone's permission to exclude it. Be prepared for her to sneak in, probably with the help of your parents. “These people don’t respect you.”

Another commenter agreed, writing, “She could have ruined the plans of everyone she sent them to. People could have changed work days, vacations, and decided that what they were going through wasn't worth it. While planning this wedding, you and your fiancé are the ones who put in all the work. She tried to sabotage it and although it wasn't her intention, it was what she could have accomplished. I don't blame you for not wanting her there. Jokes are fun when everyone laughs. When there is a target for the joke and the target doesn't laugh, it's not funny.”

Some commenters even suggested playing a prank on Jenny as punishment.

“Send him a fake invitation with the wrong address. You know, for jokes and stuff. When he misses the event, tell him he's overreacting,” one person suggested.

“Definitely tell her that you forgive her and that everything will be okay. Then give him a separate invitation. Three hours later and on the other side of the city. You could even schedule and pay for hair and makeup during ceremony time,” another suggested.

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