Bride sparks debate for booking her wedding the same weekend as her best friend

A bride-to-be's decision to book her wedding the day after her best friend's has sparked controversy online.

A recent post on the popular Reddit forum Wedding Shaming detailed the situation from the perspective of the best friend's fiancé. The original poster began by giving context to their relationship and wedding plans.

“My partner and I got engaged in May 2022 and booked a Friday in September 2024 in September 2022,” the Redditor wrote. “We told all of our close friends and family our plans and the date and location of our wedding when we booked it and were very open with close friends and family about where and when it would be.”

Despite their efforts to notify guests to avoid scheduling problems, a conflict arose. Redditor's fiancé had asked her closest friends to be part of her wedding party and asked his best friend, who got engaged during the summer of 2023, to be his maid of honor. .

The Reddit user continued: “Then in December 2023, my fiancé was approached by the Ministry of Health to get married in September 2024 out of the blue. “She said she always wanted a September wedding.”

Of course, the Redditor's fiancée was surprised by this because it was the first time she'd mentioned it, but she ultimately told her friend, “It's really not my place to say that you can't have a wedding in the same month as me. .”

A week later, her friend sent a text message in a group chat with the rest of her close circle, revealing the date and location of their wedding, which happened to be the Saturday after hers, at a location just a stone's throw away. time of where everyone lived. .

“She also plans to have the ceremony at noon, and my fiancé will be in the bridal party, which means it will start at 8am, same with all my fiancés, BM, they will be in their party,” the Reddit user noted. “A friend who is REALLY close to the group of friends already has a wedding that Saturday, so he can't attend his wedding.”

“My fiancé instantly rejected BM's question saying it will be difficult to attend the wedding, let alone be a bridesmaid. The entire group of friends expressed the same thing,” they continued.

On top of that, the Reddit user's fiancé “rescinded” his bridesmaid request, and their mutual friends noted how financially difficult it would be to have both weddings in a row. The Redditor admitted that they were never a fan of this friend.

They added: “She is using our photographer and florist because she doesn't have time to do research so they just took advantage of our research (which I don't mind). This is more of a rant, but man… what an illogical decision on this friend's part to book the day after her best friend's wedding.”

Opinionated readers flooded the comments section of the Redditor's post, noting whether they thought the fiancé's friend was being inconsiderate and selfish.

One harsh critic wrote: “He was trying to divide the loyalties of the group of friends. He sounds like a horrible person. Don't you have family to tell you what a bad idea this is?

“I was thinking I could sabotage OP's wedding by having it on the same weekend but on a Saturday instead of Friday, thinking people would choose theirs because they wouldn't have to take time off work,” another added.

One intuitive individual predicted, “People who make it will be socially exhausted/amused and will probably talk about W 1 all the time.”

“The only thing I can think of is that she thought it was a good idea to do it while everyone was in town so that the people traveling wouldn't have to make two trips in the same month,” one person guessed.

“The only thing I don't agree with is changing the status of BBride2 from MOH to BM. You just need to replace it completely,” commented one blunt reader.

Comments about whether brides and grooms deserve to rest the day after their wedding sparked widespread debate.

“You deserve to sleep in and recover the day after your wedding. You will be very tired. I wouldn't even go. She made her decisions,” stated one Reddit user.

One experienced woman said, “It was hard enough for me to get up and go to my 11 a.m. family lunch/gift opening the next morning, and I didn't get drunk the night before… I couldn't imagine having to “getting up and not looking exhausted in someone else's wedding photos at lunch the next day.”

The original poster followed up with an update, saying that the friend now sent a date change, explaining how she had gotten the months wrong. She stated that the wedding should be in August, not September. The Reddit user's future wife asked her friend what was going on, to which her friend said that she changed the date because the September date wasn't working out. She never apologized.

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