Bride defended for replacing bridesmaid who refused to buy her wedding dress

A bride has been defended for replacing her bridesmaid who refused to buy her dress for the wedding.

In a recent post shared on the popular Reddit forum “Am I The A**hole,” a woman noted that she went dress shopping with her bridesmaids and maid of honor “months ago” since she's getting married in the fall. . . After describing her wedding plans, the woman also talked about her relationship with her maid of honor.

“I have known my MOH (maid of honor) since fifth grade and we were best friends throughout school,” she wrote. “I moved away to go to university and we grew apart, but I saw her every time she came home.”

She noted that while the dress shopping was taking place out of town, she paid for two hotel rooms to accommodate the people who were part of the wedding party. He then detailed the guidelines the bridesmaids had for purchasing dresses and how the event went.

“My only requirement for [dresses] was that they had to be a specific blue color and no satin material,” the bride continued. “We spent the entire afternoon trying on dresses and everyone found one they liked, including my MOH. “I was told she chose a $350 dress when most of my other bridesmaids had dresses between $100 and $150.”

However, the girlfriend stated that her Ministry of Health then “began to complain to one of [the] other bridesmaids about having to pay for their dress,” with statements that the bride should pay for the dresses since she wanted specific ones. The Ministry of Health also noted that her friend “did not pay for the bridesmaid dress when she was at her wedding.” But the Reddit user said this was because the MOH was 18 years old and they wore “old party dresses.” [they] already had.”

She then expressed how the bridesmaid, to whom the Ministry of Health complained, came to the bride's defense.

“My bridesmaid told her that I was being quite reasonable with my request and that she could get any dress she wanted within her budget. The Ministry of Health did not agree and the bridesmaid did not listen to her, but she told me about it later,” the post continued.

The bride noted that the Ministry of Health then asked her to pay for the dress, a request that was denied because it would not be fair to the other bridesmaids who purchased her dresses.

“She said that she is the Secretary of Health and that everyone would understand that it was a privilege that she had. I disagreed and our discussion became a little heated. “I ended up saying that if she couldn't get the dress, she couldn't be at the wedding, and she wasn't going to budge on that,” the bride added.

She noted that she has since been criticized by the mother of the Ministry of Health, stating that she is “being very rude for not doing this for [her friend] so she can be there” at the wedding. After sharing that she was also accused of not understanding “what it's like to not have money for things,” she acknowledged how she responded to the statement, before deciding to replace the MOH with her.

“Said [my MOH’s mother] “I've fought before too and I understand it, but I said I won't pay for the dress because it wouldn't be fair to all the other bridesmaids,” she explained. “Since then, I made one of my other bridesmaids, who helped me with all the planning, my MOH. “I told my former Ministry of Health that she is still invited and I sent her an invitation.”

She concluded by pointing out that some members of her family have told her to pay for the dress from the former Ministry of Health, since her friend has “little money.” However, the bride also noted that her friend had known for almost two years that she would be part of the wedding and claimed that the former Ministry of Health should have “set aside money” for the event.

The Reddit post has gone viral, with more than 3,900 upvotes. In the comments, several people defended the bride's decision to replace her MOH, as they agreed that she should not pay for her friend's dress when she does not pay for the other bridesmaids' outfits. Others criticized the now former Ministry of Health for choosing a more expensive dress than the rest of the group.

“It wouldn't be fair to the other bridesmaids if you paid for her dress and not theirs,” one wrote. “The most egregious part is the fact that all of her bridesmaids were given her criteria for dresses and she chose a $350 dress while the other bridesmaids chose dresses in the $100 to $100 range. $150. So she wants you to pay for the $350 dress!

“Sometimes brides pay for bridesmaids' dresses. Sometimes they don't. “The Ministry of Health knew you weren't and picked out a dress at least twice as expensive as everyone else's, then complained that it was too expensive,” added another.

“It's common to buy your own bridesmaid or MOH dress, so if she can't afford to be at the wedding (understandable if money is an issue), it's okay to replace it,” added a third. “[In my opinion,] It was shitty of her to complain about the dress to others when that was something she could have told you one on one, which makes me wonder if she's really struggling with money or just didn't want to do it. buy the dress. Either way, you made the right decision.”

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